Gray Whale and Her Calf Give Whale Watchers an Experience They’ll Never Forget

Mark Carwardine videoed a gray whale mother and her calf as they approached a boat of whale watchers, allowing the people onboard to touch them.
Mark Carwardine videoed a gray whale mother and her calf as they approached a boat of whale watchers, allowing the people onboard to touch them.
The talking dog deserves more credit, that’s pretty impressive!
“Ma’am, what’s in the sippy cup?”
Animated short discusses the difference between empathy and sympathy; and the power of vulnerability.
Baby Piper tries on glasses for the very first time.
Just a compilation of babies’ poo faces in slow motion and… well if you’re a parent this may make you giggle.
When Ashraful Arefin’s pet bunny gave birth to four beautiful babies he knew he had to capture all of their special moments and ‘firsts’.
The moment he realizes what’s happening will put a smile on your face 🙂
He plays it cool until everyone leaves the room…
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