Can You Hear The Sweary Audio Illusion Hidden In “Toy Story 3” Where It Sounds Like Ken Drops The F Word?

Once you hear it…
Once you hear it…
Monsters, Inc. is one of Pixar’s classic films and the folks at the company made a four-minute version of the animated movie in the tradition of a silent film. The short film is presented in Scare-O-Scope and it features the famous characters from Monsters, Inc. as they might have appeared back in the old days. It also has…
How Pixar continues to push the boundaries of animation
“Kitbull” is directed by Rosana Sullivan and produced by Kathryn Hendrickson
Easter Eggs and cross-references galore
Written and directed by Dave Mullins, ‘Lou’ was nominated for ‘Best Animated Short’ at the 90th Academy Awards
“Not everyone can be become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere”
Pixar fans will love this compilation that reveals a number of Easter Eggs in their incredible library of films
For a limited time, you can watch the film here
Some say the edited version lacks emotion
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