At Bibliothèque Méjanes in Aix-en-Provence, France you will find an 894-page book from 1692 dedicated entirely to color. One A. Boogert is credited as the author to this fascinating manual written in Dutch. According to Erik Kwakkel, Boogert describes how to make watercolor paints; explaining how to mix colors and change their tone by…
The Mini Museum by Hans Fex is a pocket-sized collection of rare specimens that are labelled and embedded into an acrylic block. Some of the 33 specimens include: lunar rock, dinosaur egg, coal from the Titanic, a piece of the Berlin Wall and the ‘oldest matter ever collected’ at over 4.5 billion years old!…
Tarsicio Sañudo of postandfly was granted permission by Mexico City International Airport (AICM) to fly his drone to capture the bustling hub from a vantage point never seen before. The amazing footage was shot with an F450 + Zenmuse H3-2D and 3D + GoPro Hero 3 Black.
Photographer Wes Eisenhauer was filming a timelapse of the Milky Way Galaxy on the night of 16 October 2014 when he captured an incredible fireball in the sky. The phenomenon is referred to as a bolide which is a very bright meteor of an apparent magnitude of −14 or brighter.
Caught on the Hercules’ camera was this rare siphonophore. The Siphonophorae (or Siphonophora, the siphonophores), are an order of the Hydrozoa, a class of marine animals belonging to the phylum Cnidaria. Although a siphonophore appears to be a single organism, each specimen is actually a colony composed of many individual animals. Most colonies are…
Some great audition clips of well-known actors, many before they were famous or had landed their ‘breakout’ role. Ignore the video’s title as a handful of the actors were quite well-known before the particular audition shown. Some of the clips included are also of actors that many might not consider ‘famous’. As for rarity…
Photograph by Broken Inaglory Did you know there are cacti that only flower once a year and that the rare occurrence can last a mere 24 hours? In fact, certain species like Selenicereus grandiflorus only flower once a year at night and wither shortly thereafter. Two recent posts on reddit by Disguise_ready and SnugNinja…
While on safari near Bwindi National Park in Uganda, John King had the experience of a lifetime; an up close and intimate encounter with a group of wild mountain gorillas. I can’t think of anything more exhilarating (and frightening!) then being surrounded by wild mountain gorillas with a massive Silverback (adult male) in tow.…
Meet Venus the fascinating feline with the world’s most interesting face. The five-year old tortoiseshell not only has two different colored eyes (known as heterochromia), but she also has two starkly different fur colors split exactly down the middle of her face. Venus’ rare appearance has earned her the nickname Chimera cat (a single…
Migaloo, the world’s only documented all-white humpback whale, was recently spotted off the coast of Sydney, Australia. It’s only the fourth time in 18 years the ultra rare, all-white whale has been seen in the waters surrounding New South Wales. Migaloo was first sighted in 1991 and its age is unknown. Whale watchers fortunate…