Cockatiel Sings Apple Ringtone Whenever It Gets Upset (with Updated Reaction Vid)

Post has been updated to include Lucky’s follow-up reaction to ‘going viral’
Post has been updated to include Lucky’s follow-up reaction to ‘going viral’
Acoustic Trench plays ‘Carol of the Bells’ on a harp for his adorable dog, Maple
This is absolutely perfect
The two had known each other since 1972
Nash the Magician meets a group of kids, answers their questions, and wow them with some sweet magic tricks
If you’re a fan, this is as close as it gets to hearing it again for the first time 🙂
Kylo Ren catches a glimpse of the future and he has some opinions about it
It was the moment she found out that she gets her family forever
That’s.. a lot of foundation
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