12 People Share the Strangest Rumors They Ever Heard About Themselves

“That I was a criminal with a warrant and needed to be in jail.”
“That I was a criminal with a warrant and needed to be in jail.”
Come on dad! WTF?!
Everybody needs a little “me” time.
A lot of people would love to be skinny… It’s the body type that’s most presented as desirable in our society and folks who have a few extra pounds usually look at thin folks with envy. But there are drawbacks to living the skinny life…and AskReddit users opened up about them. Take a look at…
“Natural fibers release greenhouse gases”
“I proceeded to purchase a Superman t-shirt and kept it in my car just in case.”
“I was waiting on a bench looking at ducks in the pond…”
“I was called a baby thief amongst more vile accusations.”
Well… that’s one way to do it?
You don’t need the booze!
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