Tag: revenge

October 29, 2023 at 10:22 am

‘Over the next 6 weeks I completely screw up the numbers.’ Man Gets Revenge On A Two-Faced Boss After Being Denied A Promotion

'Over the next 6 weeks I completely screw up the numbers.' Man Gets Revenge On A Two-Faced Boss After Being Denied A Promotion

I’d say this guy got what was coming to him.

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October 29, 2023 at 9:23 am

‘I had sent it over 130 times.’ This Person Decided They Would Keep Sending A Fax Until They Received An Answer

'I had sent it over 130 times.' This Person Decided They Would Keep Sending A Fax Until They Received An Answer

Apparently timeliness is too much to ask.

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October 29, 2023 at 4:52 am

‘He starts sending me outrageously inappropriate IMs.’ The Office Creep Keeps Getting Away With Bed Behavior, So This Woman Sets A Trap And Gets Pro Revenge

'He starts sending me outrageously inappropriate IMs.' The Office Creep Keeps Getting Away With Bed Behavior, So This Woman Sets A Trap And Gets Pro Revenge

We hope you learned a lesson today!

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October 28, 2023 at 2:56 pm

‘If you can’t follow instructions you’re fired.’ His Boss Tried To Get Rid Of Him For Doing The Wrong Thing, So He Got Malicious Revenge

'If you can't follow instructions you're fired.' His Boss Tried To Get Rid Of Him For Doing The Wrong Thing, So He Got Malicious Revenge

Sounds like the right person ended up with the job, huh?

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October 28, 2023 at 12:47 pm

‘I’d never felt this powerful before.’ They Hired An Engineer For A Specialized Job But Refused To Pay, So He “Fixed” The Machine So Only He Could Install It

'I'd never felt this powerful before.' They Hired An Engineer For A Specialized Job But Refused To Pay, So He "Fixed" The Machine So Only He Could Install It

Don’t mess with people who know a lot more than you do.

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October 28, 2023 at 10:28 am

‘I was going to charge $200/hr with a 250 hr minimum.’ Guy Gets Fired Because Of Nepotism, But Is Asked To Come Back Because Boss’s Nephew Doesn’t Know Anything.

'I was going to charge $200/hr with a 250 hr minimum.' Guy Gets Fired Because Of Nepotism, But Is Asked To Come Back Because Boss's Nephew Doesn't Know Anything.

Are there any nepotism stories that actually end well?

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October 28, 2023 at 8:56 am

‘A lawyer has three duties.’ Lazy Employee Tries To Throw A Lawyer Under The Bus In An Email Chain, But He Gets Pro Revenge And Saves The Day

'A lawyer has three duties.' Lazy Employee Tries To Throw A Lawyer Under The Bus In An Email Chain, But He Gets Pro Revenge And Saves The Day

Play silly games, get silly prizes!

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October 28, 2023 at 6:41 am

‘Patients quickly moved with him to the new practice.’ Their Uncle Was Mistreated By His Employer Because Of His Nationality, So He Bankrupted Them

'Patients quickly moved with him to the new practice.' Their Uncle Was Mistreated By His Employer Because Of His Nationality, So He Bankrupted Them

That’s how it’s done, friends!

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October 28, 2023 at 4:51 am

‘Six guys can easily move around a small hatchback.’ This Person Got Revenge On A Neighbor Who Kept Blocking Their Car In

'Six guys can easily move around a small hatchback.' This Person Got Revenge On A Neighbor Who Kept Blocking Their Car In

Neighbors like this are really the pits.

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October 27, 2023 at 3:31 pm

‘We decided to completely cut ties with AT&T. Our city is saving a ton of money.’ This Guy Screwed AT&T Out Of $72k After They Tried To Rip Him Off

'We decided to completely cut ties with AT&T. Our city is saving a ton of money.' This Guy Screwed AT&T Out Of $72k After They Tried To Rip Him Off

Are there any decent mobile carriers?

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