October 28, 2023 at 2:56 pm

‘If you can’t follow instructions you’re fired.’ His Boss Tried To Get Rid Of Him For Doing The Wrong Thing, So He Got Malicious Revenge

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: AITA/Reddit/appsarecoolio

You never know what kind of curveballs life will throw at you.

Heck, one day you might even end up with your boss’s job.

And that’s exactly what happened in this story from Reddit’s “Pro Revenge” page.

A person who worked at an advertising agency was dealing with a bad manager…

How I ended up with my boss’s job.

I was working for an advertising agency, a pretty big one I had unethical manager.

Well when I started out I had a manager who was one of the most unethical managers I’ve ever dealt with. He’d order his sales reps to do things that would increase his bonuses (which are based on margins).

Example say a client decided to buy product XYZ and their spend was $2,000 a month he would want the agent to put up products ABC and keep the spend at $2,000 even though the client didn’t agree to that. Fact is the clients generally wouldn’t “notice” but if they did…it could cost you your job.

But this worker refused to play by his rules…and they also knew something about where they live that some folks aren’t aware of.

I was the guy that refused his demands, he would tell me to cheat the client and I would refuse. He would get mad. I wouldn’t care.

This went on for quite a while. Now there is something I don’t tell people very often…I live in a one party consent state which means so long as I’m aware a conversation is being recorded I can record it without informing the other party.

But the manager wasn’t hearing it when they tried to tell him they wouldn’t do what they wanted…so the unexpected happened.

I had just upsold my largest client making him even larger…but I didn’t sell the products my boss wanted me to sell. He demanded I switch things around…I refused. I told him I sold the client XYZ thats what we agreed to, I’m not going change that without the customer permission. His exact words were

“Forget about the customer, this is your largest client I need him on ABC or I’m not going make my number.”

“I’m sorry, but you and I both know ABC isn’t right for this client and that’s why he didn’t buy it”

“If you can’t follow instructions you’re fired.”

But this worker made a bold prediction after they were given their walking papers.

After confirming he’s serious I said “If you do that, I’ll have your job by the end of the month.”

I went home, I didn’t think he’d go through with it. The next morning I’m locked out of all our systems. I call tech support and get told I’ve been fired.

So who do I call?

I call our Regional Vice President and tell him I have several recordings I think he should listen to. Remember my boss ordering me to do unethical things wasn’t uncommon. So I meet up with my RVP and play 6 different recordings that I had saved showing my manager was pushing his agents to break the law.

And it sounds like the RVP knew what he had to do, no matter what.

To which my RVP leaned back in his chair, and let out a sigh knowing he had to fire my manager…having a sales manager that is forcing his reps to break the law is just bad business. At which point I asked for my job back.

He agreed that I would get my job back and asked me to take the week off and call him on Monday. He told me he’d talk to payroll and make sure I got paid for this week as well. FYI he fulfilled all of his promises with me…although I missed a payday but got back pay later so I was fine with that.

And wouldn’t you know it, things worked out in the end!

That Monday I come into our Monday morning meeting in which my RVP was there, he informed the entire team that my boss had been fired and why. He also mentioned that if anyone wanted to apply for his job there was now an opening.

So I applied for and after 3 rounds of interview got my promotion! I was right, I did have my bosses job by the end of the month.

It was glorious the first day walking into his office and sitting in his nice big comfy chair.

Here’s what people had to say.

One reader said this was flawless.

Source: AITA/Reddit

This individual said it loud and clear.

Source: AITA/Reddit

Another reader was mightily impressed!

Source: AITA/Reddit

This reader isn’t sure this story is true…

Source: AITA/Reddit

And one Reddit user got total Office vibes.

Source: AITA/Reddit

Sounds like the right person ended up with the job, huh?

Now stick that in your pipe and smoke it!