AIRPLANE VIEW OF A DISTANT STORM Photograph by HALEY LUNA Tumblr | Website | Flickr | Instagram | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter Photographer Haley Luna took this amazing photograph while flying into Denver, Colorado. As a fellow flier that always requests the window seat, this must have been an incredible sight…
Manuel Cosentino is an Italian artist and photographer. He studied at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Rome, specializing in motion design before moving to London where he worked as a Visual Effects Artist in the film Industry. After contributing to several movies including Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix and Narnia…
Photograph by Mike Olbinski | Prints available After four years of unsuccessful storm chasing, Mike Olbinski finally found what he was looking for. A massive rotating supercell thunderstorm with complex structure and active movement. The result was the epic time-lapse video embedded below. The storm was spotted on June 3, 2013, near Booker, Texas.…
SHELF CLOUD OVER TIMISOARA Photograph by ERVIN BOER In this amazing capture by Ervin Boer, we see an intimidating shelf cloud over Timisoara, Romania. The photo was posted to Timisoara’s official Facebook page (via my friend Mihai). A shelf cloud is a low, horizontal, wedge-shaped arcus cloud. They are attached to the…
A haboob is a type of intense dust storm carried on an atmospheric gravity current. Haboobs occur regularly in arid regions throughout the world. They have been observed in the Sahara desert (typically Sudan, where they were named and described), as well as across the Arabian Peninsula, throughout Kuwait, and in the most arid…