The Strongest Animal In The World Is Not The Grizzly Bear Or The Silverback Gorilla. The Bush Elephant Can Carry 19,000 Pounds Only With Their Trunk.

This is more even than the blue whale.
This is more even than the blue whale.
Hafthor Bjornsson makes history with a record setting 501 kg (1,140 lbs) deadlift
It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan, and the 4th most powerful in the world since record-keeping began in 1900
World champion powerlifters, arm wrestlers, and strongmen vs monster Goliath groupers
Canada’s Strongest Tornado Ever Photograph by Justin Hobson The Elie, Manitoba Tornado was an F5 tornado that struck the town of Elie, Manitoba, Canada, (40 kilometres (25 mi) west of Winnipeg) on June 22, 2007. While several houses were levelled, no one was injured or killed by the tornado. Two well-built homes…
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