Her Stepdaughter Blames Her For Getting Suspended But She’s Drawing A Line In The Sand

This kid calls the shots.
Light is Time is an art installation developed by Tsuyoshi Tane of DGT Architects. Featuring 80,000 suspended main plates—the basic component of a watch—the award-winning installation was unveiled at Milan Design Week in April 2014. Photograph by Takuji Shimmura Photograph by Takuji Shimmura With creative direction from CITIZEN watch, the installation…
Augusto Esquivel is an artist from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Represented by the Now Contemporary Art Gallery in Miami, Augusto’s work involves the use of thousands of carefully place, multi-coloured sewing buttons. On his website he describes his process: “I am often obsessed with comparisons of reality and potential and the balance between them, in…
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