Today at 1pm EST, Instagram will release their first ever app outside of Instagram, called Hyperlapse. The standalone app uses a complex algorithm that lets users create fast-moving timelapses with their phones. iPhone users will get the first crack at the app as the Android version is still in development due to recent…
This isn’t science fiction, this is happening as we speak. CGP Grey discusses the inevitability of automation and why we, as humans, need to start thinking about a world where the majority of jobs, across all sectors, can be performed better by a robot.
A team led by Nobumichi Asai demonstrates real-time face tracking and projection mapping. Can you imagine the entertainment potential for this kind of technology? It could certainly add an exciting new element to live shows and performances!
This could be a game changer. Engineers at Microsoft recently unveiled a method for converting first-person videos into hyperlapse videos (time-lapse videos with a smoothly moving camera). As the team explains on their research page: At high speed-up rates, simple frame sub-sampling coupled with existing video stabilization methods does not work, because the erratic…
Olaf Diegel previews his incredible 3D printed alto sax design. The sax has 41 components excluding all the springs and screws. It is printed in nylon on a SLS machine and weighs less than a quarter of a real sax (575 grams vs 2.5 kg. A couple of the notes are slightly out of…
We’ve all seen fireworks at night, but what about on a sunny afternoon? At the Arab Museum of Modern Art in Doha, Qatar, Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang put on one of his largest explosion events ever, utilizing microchip-controlled explosives to form incredible designs and patterns. Each set of explosions was calculated to paint a…
It was the change that no-one saw coming: the idea that we could take a book, a painting or a song and send it through cables and wires and even thin air to the other end of the world – and it would be identical on the other side. But this idea underpins everything…
Video editor Jim Casey compiled this fantastic homage to visual effects in this amazing 3 minute montage. The chronological showcase captures defining moments in visual effects history starting from 1878. The progression is fascinating to see and it’s exciting to think what lies ahead. For those curious, the music is “Liberi Fatali” from Final…
‘Look Up‘ is a spoken word film for an online generation. It’s a lesson taught to us through a love story, in a world where we continue to find ways to make it easier for us to connect with one another, but always results in us spending more time alone. Written, Performed and Directed…
A group of kids are given a Sony Walkman and asked to explain what it is. The reactions are priceless and some of their insights may even surprise you. This is the latest video in TheFineBros React Series. TheFineBros are a wildly popular YouTube channel with almost 8 million subscribers and over 1.5 billion…