Mind-Boggling Visual Compares Our Sun to the Biggest Known Stars in the Universe

Just when you think it’s going to stop, they keep getting bigger. Earth for scale.
Just when you think it’s going to stop, they keep getting bigger. Earth for scale.
Multiple levels of awesome all at once
This is what the path of totality looked like from above
In this excerpt from episode 1 of Carl Sagan’s ‘Cosmos’, he explains how the Greek scholar, Eratosthenes, knew the Earth was curved over 2,200 years ago
A fun and creative way to practice framing, composition and lighting
The polar regions are called the “lands of the midnight sun” because in the summer, the sun never sets
When it’s too hot for even a lizard, you don’t need a thermometer to tell you to get out of the sun
Photograph by Jakob Wagner
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