Tag: time travel

August 12, 2023 at 12:37 am

‘The lady you see is my great-grandmother Gertrude Jones.’ A Video From 1938 had People Convinced That Time Travel Exists Because Of A Cell Phone. A Viewer Clears Things Up.

'The lady you see is my great-grandmother Gertrude Jones.' A Video From 1938 had People Convinced That Time Travel Exists Because Of A Cell Phone. A Viewer Clears Things Up.

“She was 17 years old”

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May 30, 2023 at 10:48 pm

TikTok Time Traveler From 2671 Claims They Know When Aliens Will Invade Earth

TikTok Time Traveler From 2671 Claims They Know When Aliens Will Invade Earth

This is just flat out WILD!

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May 29, 2023 at 3:57 am

Your Phone Can Access the Internet 5 Years in the Future, What Do You Search for First? People Responded.

Your Phone Can Access the Internet 5 Years in the Future, What Do You Search for First? People Responded.

“Win the lotto but not enough to be super rich”

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May 10, 2023 at 7:07 pm

What is Time Travel’s “The Bootstrap Paradox” And How Does it Differ From “The Grandfather Paradox?

What is Time Travel's "The Bootstrap Paradox" And How Does it Differ From "The Grandfather Paradox?

Time travel can be a real headache

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November 13, 2022 at 6:38 pm

This Is Why Teleportation Probably Won’t Ever Happen

This Is Why Teleportation Probably Won't Ever Happen

Passing particles of matter through solid objects is a REALLY hard problem to solve.

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