Sesame Street Went to NPR and Did an Awesome Tiny Desk Concert

The Sesame Street crew celebrate their 50th anniversary with a visit to NPR’s famous tiny desk
The Sesame Street crew celebrate their 50th anniversary with a visit to NPR’s famous tiny desk
It’s inspired by the famous French novel by Jules Verne
It’s Freddie’s voice and a piano. What more do you need?
They can make any person in a photo walk out, run, sit, or jump in 3D
This will give you chills
Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 20 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting
It took Cory Nielsen 3 years to build. No glue or welding, purely free-stacked
Imagine setting a personal best running from Pac-Man
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