Just In Case You’ve Never Seen Someone Wingsuit Flying at Night with Flares Attached

Don’t try this at home, or abroad, or in the morning, or in the evening, not even a video game, or in VR, just no.
Don’t try this at home, or abroad, or in the morning, or in the evening, not even a video game, or in VR, just no.
“Riding Dragons” is a dreamlike sequence filmed by Jeb Corliss and his fiancé Aly DeMayo
Pablo Solana is a man of many talents
Do not try this ever
Luke Rogers and Chris Byrnes dive into an epic ‘cloud tunnel’ in Toogoolawah, Australia
It’s all about the takeoff and landing
This is as close to human flight as it gets
GoPro Athlete Roberta Mancino splits two buildings with style as she takes flight in Panama City, Panama
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