Modern Grey Wolves Can Get Massive And Effectively Hunt In Packs, But They Aren’t As Large As The Dire Wolves Of The Past

I would not want to run into a pack of grey wolves.
I would not want to run into a pack of grey wolves.
It is heartbreaking that such an enduring animal may go extinct because of us.
Digital artist Yehonatan Bary calls it a ‘hypermotion’
Wolves, they’re just like us 😛
He was filming the scenery when he happened upon a moose… and then a wolf appeared
How a wolf pack, lion pride and chimp troop work as an intelligent, cohesive unit to bring down their respective prey
When wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in the United States after being absent nearly 70 years, one of the most remarkable trophic cascades occurred. Trophic cascades occur when predators in a food web suppress the abundance and/or alter traits (e.g., behavior) of their prey, thereby releasing the next lower trophic level from…
HOWLING ARCTIC WOLF CLUB Photograph by Daniel Zupanc (via Seen here is an arctic wolf cub howling for one of its first times since being born. The cub is less than a month old, still covered in its distinct brown fur which will eventually turn white when it becomes an adult.…
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