The Sifter has one objective:

To educate, entertain, and inspire each and every day. Like you, we are fascinated, inspired, and moved by interesting content. At TwistedSifter we strive to sift, sort, and summarize the best of the Web. We believe in an ethics policy that stresses accuracy and makes every effort to verify the authenticity of the information ​w​e publish​. If it’s happening online, the TwistedSifter is there. Our team of journalists and writers are spread out across the U.S. (many in Kansas City metro), and U.K. with yes of experience in industry-leading entertainment, internet culture, and news coverage. We publish trending, must-read news that captures the wonderful and weirdness of life both on and offline.

Our team of writers:

  • TwistedSifter’s senior leadership includes CEO, Ramsey M | admin [at] twistedsifter.com
  • Editorial Staff: Editor-in-Chief and Senior Video Editor, Justin Gardner | editor [at] twistedsifter.com
  • If you want to contact any of our staff writers, please email: staffwriters [at] twistedsifter.com
  • Matt Gilligan
  • Chris Allen
  • Ethan Cotler
  • Jeff Ruane
  • Laura Lynott
  • Ryan McCarthy
  • Ashley Ashbee
  • Ashley Dreiling
  • Addie Sartino
  • Abby Jamison
  • Trisha Leigh

TwistedSifter’s News Standards and Ethics are outlined here.

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Sample the ‘best of‘ to whet your appetite, or feast on the ‘top posts‘ if you’re hangry.


Every Friday the Sifter publishes the Shirk Report. A weekly collection of the:

– 20 funniest images
– 10 most interesting articles
– 5 most entertaining videos

What have others enjoyed? Check out some notable tweets below!


Stay sifty my friends


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