June 8, 2010 at 8:58 am

The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]

by twistedsifter

4 awesome kickflip The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by Lifeskater

In skateboarding, the kickflip is the defining move that separates the beginner from the skater. First comes the ollie (love), then comes the pop-shuvit (marriage), and then comes the kickflip (baby carriage). Landing your first is one of those ‘great’ accomplishments and truly rewarding. Below you will find a brief history of the trick as well as 21 stunning photographs that capture the beauty of the kickflip.

rodney mullen old school The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Rodney Mullen (1989) – Photograph by Donwallheim


The kickflip was invented by skateboarding legend Rodney Mullen in 1983. He originally called it the ‘magic flip’ but the name has since evolved. It is viewed as a defining moment in the sport, as it opened the floodgates to a wave of innovation and creativity. No longer were riders bound to their board as they willed their decks to flip and rotate in every way imaginable.

For the uninitiated; the kickflip is where the skater drags his front foot at an angle up the nose of the skateboard, and then kicks his foot ‘out’ to make it flip 360 degrees along the board’s axis.


3 kickflip skateboarding The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by Tommy Larsen Photography


5 cool kickflip The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by Negrit0


12 incredible kickflip The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by Chris Pagano Photography


2 kickflip inside indoors The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by Timbos Marr


13 kickflip with a skatebaord The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by jamesnw


6 skateboarding kickflip The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by _bob3


10 black white kick flip The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by Joe Langton


11 kickflip through tree The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by Shayne Stadnick


20 incredible skateboarder The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by Samu Rai


22 best skate shot The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by DordtGekst!


8 kickflip black and white The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by Alec Smith


23 kickflip closeup The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by smashthirteen


17 skater boy The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by Fred Erickson


7 kickflip mid air The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by paananen


18 skateboarder The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by TJ Elias


21 kick flip supreme The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by Hilali


1 kickflip at night The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by J Khounthavong


16 kickflip silhouette skater The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by Adam Savickas


24 the best kickflip shot The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]
Photograph by Sean 6

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metger backflip sequence in vegas The Art and History of the Kickflip [21 pics]