March 1, 2013 at 4:52 pm

Girlfriend Leads Photographer Around the World

by twistedsifter


Murad Osmann (@muradosmann on Instagram) is a Russian photographer and film producer (Hype Production) who has seen his personal photo series #followmeto on Instagram explode online in recent days. First it made the front page of Reddit, eventually spreading outwards to the likes of Mashable and other publications.

The story goes that Osmann’s girlfriend, Nataly Zakharova (@yourleo on Instagram), was getting tired of him always being preoccupied with his camera, literally resorting to dragging him by the hand to keep moving. This lead to the perspective we see in each shot of the series.

While many may find the photos a little ‘too’ over-processed, the concept is playful and a creative way to capture different places around the world. For the latest, follow Murad on Instagram @muradosmann

[via Reddit]


1. Hong Kong

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (13)



2. Ravello, Italy

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (11)



3. Ravello, Italy

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (15)




photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (10)



5. Hong Kong Disneyland

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (7)



6. Venice, Italy

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (12)



7. Bali, Indonesia

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (2)



8. Up

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (9)



9. Moscow, Russia

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (5)



10. Indonesia

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (16)



11. Hong Kong

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (6)



12. London, England

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (1)



13. Ikea

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (4)



14. Singapore

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (3)




photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (14)

photographer follows girlfriend around the world holding hand photo series (8)








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