September 30, 2014 at 6:03 pm

This Guy Can’t Stop Photoshopping Mr Bean Into Famous Paintings

by twistedsifter


Rodney Pike is an artist, illustrator and Photoshop ninja. The artist specializes in caricature, photo manipulation and political satire and his work has been featured in countless publications both printed and online.

In an ongoing series of hilarious photoshops, Pike skillfully blends Mr Bean/Rowan Atkinson’s face into famous paintings by artists like Da Vinci, Rembrandt and Bouguereau. Be sure to check out Rodney’s entertaining artwork at the links below. If you’re interested in commissioning him, you can reach Rodney through his website.

[via Neatorama]


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rodney pike photoshop mr bean into famous paintings (1)

Artwork by RODNEY PIKE
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rodney pike photoshop mr bean into famous paintings (4)

Artwork by RODNEY PIKE
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rodney pike photoshop mr bean into famous paintings (5)

Artwork by RODNEY PIKE
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rodney pike photoshop mr bean into famous paintings (13)

Artwork by RODNEY PIKE
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rodney pike photoshop mr bean into famous paintings (9)

Artwork by RODNEY PIKE
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rodney pike photoshop mr bean into famous paintings (6)

Artwork by RODNEY PIKE
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rodney pike photoshop mr bean into famous paintings (3)

Artwork by RODNEY PIKE
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rodney pike photoshop mr bean into famous paintings (2)

Artwork by RODNEY PIKE
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rodney pike photoshop mr bean into famous paintings (10)

Artwork by RODNEY PIKE
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rodney pike photoshop mr bean into famous paintings (11)

Artwork by RODNEY PIKE
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rodney pike photoshop mr bean into famous paintings (8)

Artwork by RODNEY PIKE
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rodney pike photoshop mr bean into famous paintings (7)

Artwork by RODNEY PIKE
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