11 Restaurants That Got a Little Bit Too Creative With How They Serve Food
We want food!
And we want it served on regular plates!
Is that too much to ask for?
It sure seems like it…but if you’ve been out to eat lately, you’ve probably seen some weird business decisions when it comes to how they serve their food.
And here are some good examples of this phenomenon…
1. Looks delicious.
And convenient!
Caption said “a sensory moment” – Chocolate in hand.
byu/TownMountain inWeWantPlates
2. Not sure about this one.
Have you ever eaten off of a shovel before?
Caesar salad on a (fake) shovel. Greenhouse Cafe, New York State. About one minute before I hit the end and the fork flew across the room.
byu/CvilleLocavore inWeWantPlates
3. This is creepy.
Not sure what to make of it…
4. I wouldn’t touch that if I were you.
Looks creepy.
Friend went to some fancy place in Barcelona.
byu/periacetabular_ost inWeWantPlates
5. I kind of like this one…
Just being honest.
Dinosaur Plate – I Dino if I’m mad about it
byu/jserpan inWeWantPlates
6. Eating out a shoe…
Whatever you say!
Fried squids in a freaking shoe, Paris, France.
byu/NeekGerd inWeWantPlates
7. Put that anywhere.
Just plain WEIRD.
8. Something is wrong here.
What a world we live in…
This is what's wrong with the world..
byu/Jdinoza inWeWantPlates
9. Can you get to the food, though?
The jury is out…
10. That’s a new one.
How odd…
This may be the one time I don’t want a plate…
byu/Still_cup inWeWantPlates
11. I hope that thing is clean…
Doesn’t seem like a great idea.
They brought me Fido's dinner instead.
byu/plutonicus inWeWantPlates

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