April 13, 2023 at 6:33 pm

People Share the Things That Have No Basis in Fact

by Trisha Leigh

People believe lies for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes it’s because we don’t know any better, and other times it’s because we need to believe in something, even if we know deep down it’s not true.

That said, these 15 people say these particular lies have worn out their welcome.

14. Family doesn’t get a pass.

That when you’re related to someone, particularly in regards to parents, all things should be forgiven and forgotten.

I wholeheartedly believe that when someone has been or becomes toxic, manipulative, abusive, or hurtful and has no intention of changing bad behaviors or treating you with any decency that these people should not get to be a part of your life, and that being related does not give someone a free pass to say and do what they want with no repercussions. Everyone should be allowed to feel safe and loved.

It is a heartbreaking thing to cut contact with people you should have been able to be safe with, and the decision does not ever come easy. Sometimes, it is a very necessary thing to ensure the safety and security of yourself, your children, or other loved ones.

The stories that have been shared in the comments associated with mine are tragic, and no one should have to go through these things, especially not alone. I am truly so very sorry for all those that can relate to what I have said, and how I said it. I hope you all find peace, comfort, and a solid support system.

13. The Old Lie.

“It is sweet and fitting to die for your country.”

This is known as the Old Lie, a lie that has been around for millennia, and one that is still around. It’s a lie that hundreds of millions of young men over the course of humanity believed in, and died for. Dying for your country is not sweet, it is a catastrophe. Young men being sent to the slaughter, to the meat grinder of war, some of them having never been in love, all the while politicians sit back with a cigar in mouth and a glass of wine.

Sometimes war is necessary, and someone needs to fight it, and inevitably die. But it shouldn’t be encouraged and glorified. Live for your country.

12. Except it does make it easier to attain.

Money doesn’t buy happiness.

If someone gave me 10 million dollars, it would solve 90% of my problems. I would definitely be happier.


11. It’s really a shame.

The “Any Men who loves children must be a Pedophile” and “Any Women who loves children would be a great Mother”

10. Make it stop.

Vaccines cause autism.

Furthermore as someone who actually does have autism, the implication that you would rather have your kid die a slow, painful, and completely preventable death than have autism is pretty damn offensive.

9. It makes no sense.

That Homeopathy works beyond the placebo effect.

Homeopathy’s own explanation for how it works makes no sense. If vanishingly small traces of beneficial substances can improve health, wouldn’t the tiny traces of thousands of toxins kill us?

8. It’s all an illusion.

That if only people would switch to reusable straws, bags, rags, stop all single-use items, abide by zero-waste philosophies, we can ~make an impact~.

I do all of these things, but I’m not under the illusion that it will be a significant impact. Nothing much will change if big corporations continue to get away with massive tonnes of plastic waste, carbon emissions, oil spills etc.

7. A bit alarming.

Practicing a religion makes you a good person.

I’ve had people admit to me that they genuinely do not understand how the non-religious know how to be good. It’s alarming to think that the only reason these people aren’t doing bad things is because God will smite them.

I can’t decide if they’re bad people or brainwashed. I’m concerned it’s both.

6. They’re not there to help.

That your employers “Human Resources” is there to help you.

You are a resource, they are there to protect the company.

Also I’ll add I know some HR people truly are great people. Sadly I’ve not run into this nor have many / any of the people I’ve known.

5. Nothing is OK.

That the water, air quality, ground quality etc. in East Palestine, Ohio is okay!

4. It was a trap.

That having no sd-card slot and no headphone jack in your Iphone is something positive.

Apple and all the others just want to sell you cloud space and headphones with degrading batteries in them.

3. Stop the shaming.

You only have a real job if you work 40+ hours.

We need to stop shaming part time workers while simultaneously demanding service from them.

2. Some don’t shine.

that time heals all wounds

1. Money doesn’t trickle down.

That giving tax cuts to the wealthy helps the poor.

There is no trickle down.

Let’s all cease and desist, ok?

I think in the end we’ll all be better off.

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