A Woman Talked About the Interactions She’s Had With Boomers While Working at a Phone Store
by Matthew Gilligan

Photo Credit: TikTok
Oh, Boomers…
Will they ever learn?!?!
After a lot of thought and contemplation, all signs point to NO.
Actually, they point to ABSOLUTELY NOT.
And if you’ve ever worked in sales or retail of any kind, a hilarious TikTok video created by a young woman named Liv will look awfully familiar to you.
Liv’s video shows her reenacting several different encounters she’s had with Boomer customers while working at a phone store.
And here’s a big bonus: Liv plays the role of herself AND as the customers she’s had to deal with regarding a variety of issues and complaints.

Photo Credit: TikTok
Liv showed how one customer told her that they microwaved their phone to try to charge it wirelessly.
Something doesn’t sound right about that…

Photo Credit: TikTok
And Liv said that one customer dunked their phone in motor oil 5 times to try to get it to work before they came into the store for help.
That seems like a good idea, right?

Photo Credit: TikTok
Some customers accused Liv’s store of scamming them and selling phones that were broken and one customer in particular wanted a phone without a 5G antenna.
The reason: “I don’t want Joe Biden to spy on me.”

Photo Credit: TikTok
Liv also had a customer who didn’t want the “rainbow symbol” on their phone, referring to the WiFi logo and they said, “I do not support you pushing LGBT on me. This is ridiculous.”
Good grief!

Photo Credit: TikTok
Take a look at her entertaining video and see what she has to deal with every day.
We think you’ll get a bunch of chuckles out of it!
And now check out what people had to say about this.
One viewer said this reminded them of lawmakers asking questions to TikTok’s CEO.

Photo Credit: TikTok
Another person shared their own experience dealing with Boomers at their job.

Photo Credit: TikTok
This person summed up what working at a phone store these days basically means.

Photo Credit: TikTok
And another TikTokker pointed out that some folks who don’t know how to use technology get mad when you show them…kinda seems counterproductive.

Photo Credit: TikTok
Okay, Boomer!
That’s never gonna get old, is it?

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