What Are The Daily Tasks That Could End Your Life If You’re Not Careful? People Share Their Cautions…
by Trisha Leigh
Every human being is different, but there are some tasks that unite us, because you can’t get through life without accomplishing them.
What’s interesting is, even though we do them on autopilot, they could actually be the end of us if we’re not careful.
It could be you.
Take the stairs.
Over 12,000 people in the US (and 700 in the UK) die annually from falling down the stairs.
It happens all the time.
How many people answered this while driving?
I only know exactly one person, personally, that has died while driving. Yet, it happens all the time. So, I often think at work (I work at a bar): “how many people here aren’t gonna make it home tonight?”
Just, statistically, working in bars for 15 years; I know there has to be some number of people who came to my bar and that was the last day of their life.
Pay attention.
Walk while looking at your phone. Walk around at night in dark clothes, particularly near a highway.
There is an intersection in my town where there is a convenience store right across a busy road from a cheap hotel. Too many idiots cross at the edge of lot closest to the hotel, and almost get hit by people who literally do not see them. Both day and night.
If they went 15 feet up to the corner with the crosswalk, they could cross safely but that’s obviously too far to walk. At night it’s a lot worse – people going for a beer run and then racing across a busy two way road with 4 lanes to get back to the hotel.
We all must do it…
Drink or eat.
I just saw my 88 year old aunt for maybe the last time. She started choking on a piece of sushi, we asked if she was okay, she shook her head “no” and pointed to her back.
My dad starts patting her back not nearly hard enough and I realize that if I did the Heimlich on her, I could break a rib. She’s tiny and frail.
Luckily, she coughs it up and her British a** says, “So sorry to be a bother. I’m quite embarrassed by that.” I blurted out, “Sorry!? I thought you were going to die! We’re good.”
Great thanks.
If you do anything wrong enough, it can kill you.
Fire bad.
I’m a firefighter and my only answer is: cooking
You f**kers set your stoves on fire entirely too often.
Don’t be so confident.
.5mm difference in a stair step.
The confidence that you have when you know that you know your own stairs, but misjudge for whatever reason and your life flashes before your eyes as you make that misstep is wild.
We know it’s scary, but…
The scariest part is you can do everything right and still die because someone else did it wrong.
A daily death sentence.
Getting married to the wrong person and having children on top of that seals the deal: it’s a daily death sentence, slow and excruciating, painful way to live
You’ll probably be fine.
Regenerate your cells.
hey prions (generally) only misfold if given reason to, just don’t eat f**ked up meat, get bit by an animal, or have genetic dispositions and you’ll (probably) be fine! (assuming you don’t get fatal sporadic insomnia or smthn)
Know what’s behind you.
Listening to headphones while walking at night.
Or just listening to headphones in general.
I’ve seen runners get on the road because they didn’t hear a car running behind them.
You should know.
Cleaning! Maybe not everyday but enough people don’t know you can’t mix bleach and ammonia.
It makes chloramine.
What is chloramine? It’s the same family of chemicals that are produced when someone pees in a chlorinated swimming pool. Only it’s vastly more concentrated than that.
Bleach + ammonia = concentrated dirty pool stank.
It’ll burn your lungs if you take a deep whiff. It certainly stinks. But it’s not mustard gas; it won’t blister your skin; and it’s not raw chlorine gas either. It is a different, and somewhat milder, noxious chemical that can still scar your lungs permanently if you get too much of it.
So don’t do it.
Just use it nicely.
Use a vending machine.
There have been instances of kids getting seriously injured or killed trying to shake vending machines to get snacks to fall.
They have a tendency to tip over if you shake them hard enough.
The wrong spot at the wrong time.
Literally just walking.
Walk in the wrong spot at the wrong time and wham hit by a semi truck.
People literally die from random s**t like tripping and hitting their head on the edge of a curb, doesn’t even need to be a car!
I’ve honestly never really thought about these, but it’s true.
I’m going to be a bit more careful tomorrow. Maybe.

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