They Won’t Let Their Sister-In-Law and Her Friends Stay With Them. Are They Wrong?
by Matthew Gilligan
Oh, you…?
Yeah…you’re not welcome to stay here…and neither are your friends!
That sounds pretty harsh, don’t you think?
But did this person go too far and act like an a**hole?
Read their story below and see what you think.
AITA for not letting my SIL and her friends stay with me?
“I have 5 brothers and 4 Sisters in law, I get along with 3 of them wonderfully and the 4th one just ok. No beef or anything. (Until now) She just isn’t as social as the rest of us and keeps to herself a lot.
We have a family group chat with us siblings and spouses that she doesn’t participate in much but I know she reads everything. Also, I live in a touristy area that is getting ready to Amp up for the year.
I posted in the group chat that my inlaws were taking my daughter to another state to visit family. And how excited I was for her to go but also how excited I was for the alone time.
I took my daughter to meet my inlaws and stopped for food on my way home with the plan to open all my patio doors, enjoy the breeze and sounds and watch TV all night. I get home and drop the food on the counter, go into my bedroom to put my pj’s on. I hear someone banging on my patio doors and I walk out of the bedroom and it’s sister in law #4 with 3 other women that I dont know. They have suitcases and are all trying to open my door.
I go to one door and open it slightly and ask “What’s up” amd my SIL says that when she saw I was gonna be kid free for a few days, she decided to plan a girls trip and come keep me company. I say “Without asking if I wanted company because I don’t ” one of her friends says “You didn’t make sure this was ok?” SIL says “We’re family, I don’t need to check” To which I reply “Oh no you absolutely should have checked because I would have told you NO”
SIL says “Well we’re here now. So let us in” I say “No that’s ok. I’m not up for company. Especially 4 of you” SiL says “But you have 3 guest rooms” I reply “No one is daughters room . One is my office and one is a guest room for invited guests. Which you are not. Please go away” Then I closed the curtains that I had put up mainly for decoration and wasn’t even sure if they would cover all the windows lol
She knocked on my patio doors for about 15 min before they left. I blocked her on everything so I could enjoy the night. My brother called and asked me what happened and I told him . He said that his wife had told him that I invited her. After me asking him if he really thought I was the kind of person who would invite 4 people to stay with me when I didn’t know 3 of them, he just said he would take care of it.
She’s now very mad at me and is telling anyone who will listen that I embarrassed her in front of her friends and she’s never going to forgive me. Pretty sure I don’t care tho.
I just wanted to enjoy my extended weekend alone lol So AITA for not letting uninvited guests ruin my extended alone weekend?”
Now check out how folks reacted on Reddit.
This reader said they’re NTA…and who does this?!?!

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another person agreed and pointed out that they said they wanted alone time…

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this person said they’re NTA and this is all on the SIL.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another family drama with no good solutions.
Welcome to the internet!
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, family, reddit, relationships, white text

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