What’s the Easiest or Laziest Way You Ever Lost Weight? Here’s What People Said.
by Matthew Gilligan
There are some people out there who can just lose weight like it’s no problem at all.
They don’t eat right, they don’t exercise, they drink all kinds of booze, and they still drop pounds.
Some people are just like that…
Let’s hear from AskReddit users about the easiest and laziest ways they ever lost weight.
Good one!
“VR games.
I bought my kids Quest headsets for Christmas and accidentally lost 10 lbs playing when the kids were asleep.
Got myself one and lost another 30 lbs playing Beatsaber.”
Well, now you know…
“Stopped drinking beer last summer.
Lost 15 lbs in 6 weeks.
Started drinking again in the fall, gained it all back….”
Sorry for your loss.
“My wife d**d on Easter Sunday. We were together over 20 years. I have lost 70 pounds in the two months since. Last week alone I lost 13.
I probably also lost a fair amount prior while sleeping in the ICU as we failed at each step to make it to chemo. My doctor says my weight loss is okay (as a temporary thing), but wants me to try to stay above 500 calories a day and not pass out. Mostly I live on the cream in my morning coffee.
I do not recommend this method. Also, as she had a heck of a dark sense of humor, I’ll point out that she lost even more weight than I have via cremation, although it was mostly water weight. Super easy on her part; she even got a nice ride there and back.”
Hey, it worked.
“Got Invisalign.
I stopped snacking throughout the day because I was too lazy to take the retainers out.”
Cut that stuff out!
“Stopped drinking soda.
Only been about 5-6 months, but none of my pants stay on anymore without a belt.”
“Fasting is the only thing that ever worked for me.
Not doing something is so much easier than cooking super specific meals, counting calories, eating a ton of small meals… etc.
Just don’t eat certain meals, much more likely to stick to since it’s easier than the alternative.”
That’s not good.
“I can highly recommend malaria for weight loss. If you get so sick you vomit the medication that’s trying to save you, bonus points!
Then easily solvable by a quinine shot in the a** that makes you partially deaf for a few days, and just lay there hallucinating and pissing brown until you decide not to d** after all.
Great for that h**oin chic look!”
“Passively rode a recumbent exercise bike while I played video games.
I played a few hours a day and I honestly didn’t even notice I was riding. Look down at the end of the night to see I’ve rode 20+ miles. One day I played games all day and it said I rode over 100 miles and burned like 6,000 calories.
Before I wore that thing out, I think I lost like 40lbs over one summer.”
Pro tip.
“Go out to buy groceries on a full stomach.
Your cravings to buy unhealthy random foods should go down a bit.”
That’s a new one.
“Got salmonella from my tortoise. Me and the bathroom got very well acquainted.
Nothing says sick quite like sleeping in the bathtub because then your close to the toilet and it doesn’t matter if you s**t in your sleep.”
Walking is good!
“I have a car but live walking distance to everything.
I barely ever drive. People assume I’m just poor.
I’ve lost a date over it bc the girl thought I didn’t have a car. I had a nicer car than she did.
What a b**ch.”
I’ve gotta try some of these!
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · askreddit, health, losing weight, red border, reddit, top, weight, weight loss

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