July 15, 2023 at 7:18 pm

What’s the Most Insane Thing You Ever Put Your Body Through?

by Matthew Gilligan

ARCrazyBodyExperience What’s the Most Insane Thing You Ever Put Your Body Through?

Hang on tight, folks, because these stories are gonna be wild!

AskReddit users went on the record and talked about the most insane things they ever put their bodies through.

Are you ready to see what they had to say?

Start now!

No sleep.

“Worked in the game industry shipping a game that rather unexpectedly became a global phenomenon that absolutely none of us were prepared for.

Solution? Have producers coordinate teams in time zones across the world so that devs get to sleep but work continues.

Except… as the more junior producer, I had no bargaining rights for time off, even for just a weekend. After over 18 months without a day off and not getting more than 3 hours of sleep at a time (gotta meet with those global teams!), my body just gave up.

I ignored the resting heart rate of 120, blood pressure through the roof, constant migraines (industry standard, they say), but then tremors, GI issues, memory & hair loss started to get me worried.

Stupidly, the wake up call was my boss scolding me for underperforming while she was taking weekends off & reasonable amounts of vacation time. My arguments to HR fell on deaf ears and all I got back was “if you’re serious about being a producer in this industry, you have to really want it.”

So I left the industry. It took 3 years to repair the bulk of the damage, but look: there’s not a single corporate job out there that’s worth your life. I don’t care if it sounds like your dream job, it’s still a company and you are expendable to them.”

Glad you’re okay.

“I just survived a 13.5 hour surgery. I had a blood infection that covered my insides and my heart.

It led to valve replacement. But clearing the infection is what took forever. Then, 8 days on the ecmo machine while in and induced coma, and a total of 50 days in the hospital.

I’m incredibly lucky to be alive. I’m 66..it forced me to retire.”


“I signed up for a medical trial study for $5k.

It was an established drug (so they knew exactly what it would do to me) that was coming off patent and the new manufacturer had to go through trials. The main side-effect they warned me of was “bone pain” lol

I had to do 2x three day inpatient stays. One shot in the arm and blood draws every hour or so. We all had to eat the same food at the same time, and it was more food than I could physically stomach but had to choke it down or risk not getting paid. Food was good though.

I got the bone pain AND was allergic to the drug lol. I called the nurse about some weird spots on my arm, and she told me they were mosquito bites. I accepted this even though I knew 100% they were not mosquito bites that had somehow arisen in the past 2 minutes but whatever.

And then my breathing started getting all wheezy, so I called her over again. She very calmly told me everything was fine and then SPRINTED out of the room to get a doctor while my throat started closing up.

They gave me an antihistamine and everything was all good, except now my data was worthless so they said I didn’t have to come back for the second stay and could go after my 3rd day was up and I would still get paid (total win in my book).

However I did get the Bone Pain side effect, my hips and thighs were aching relentlessly the whole time and I had a terrible headache. They couldn’t give me anything other than paracetamol for it, so that kinda sucked, but it wasn’t too bad. At least the bed was comfy.

Idk if it was the drug, or the reaction, or the antihistamine, or the bone pain, or the buckets of food they were making me eat, but I slept for pretty much the next 50 hours. When I wasn’t sleeping I was binging Bojack on the free WiFi, and then got to go home with $5k (before tax)

10/10 would get bone pain again.”


“Two rounds of chemo along with monthly shots that kick my bone marrow into overdrive.

Slated for my third chemo round by years end.

My leukemia is treatable but not curable so I get to do this every so often until a cure is found.”


“I carried a woman 4 miles down a rocky trail after discovering she’d injured herself.

Storms were approaching and she was not quite below tree line.

I learned later that she’d broken her tibia and fibula. I’m a 5’6″ 130lb woman. I was insanely sore the next day.”

Time to clean it up.

“7 years of extreme al**hol ab**e to the point that my liver was on the verge of failing and my doctor told me either I quit or d** inside of the next year.

That was 26 years ago and now I’m a proud grandpa.”


“I told myself I could run a marathon.

So I started training, and did pretty good to start. I did a couple of 10Ks and a 20K. I scheduled a half marathon and trained for it and did fine while training. Well, the day of the half marathon it was so much hotter and humid than I had trained for. About 5 miles in I realized I was in trouble.

I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn’t hydrate fast enough. About 9 miles in I started cramping and had to walk. I decided to push through and ended up walking the rest of the way. Then I sat down and everything in my body started cramping. My toes, fingers, sides, neck, legs. It was awful.

My wife saw I was doing bad and went and got a medic. Then the next thing I remember I woke up in the back of an ambulance. My wife was there as well. It took us to the closest hospital and put me on an IV to rehydrate me. And about 8 hour later I started feeling better.”


“Years of IV he**in abuse. Don’t recommend.

Not just because you might catch Hep while ruining life, but because there ain’t no he**in out there no more.

Game’s f**ked. Stay far the f**k away from the game, youngins. It’ll k**l you these days.”

War is hell.

“Once spent 56 hours in a row awake when I deployed to Iraq.

And it wasn’t like an overnight gaming session. It was August in a fu**ing desert with full gear. The regular sleep cycle was already s**t, but we kept taking mortars during my sleep cycles.

There was a point around 40 hours in that I thought I would die of exhaustion…and a small part of me wished the mortars would at least offer some relief…”

These stories were so wild! I’d never do any of these things!