People Share Secrets That They’ve Never Told Anyone… Until Now
by Matthew Gilligan
The people you’re about to hear from have never, EVER spilled their guts about these things…
So consider this your lucky day, okay?
And hang on tight and enjoy what these AskReddit users had to say.
Start now!
A terrible loss.
“When my brother committed s**cide, he had a Google voice number.
It took me a while to get into all his social accounts and email to help close them down, and I came across hundreds of voicemails left by our mom. She would call to hear his voice again, and to tell him how much she missed him.
I kept logging into the account to keep it from being disabled. It took her two years to cope and stop calling. I’ve never told her, because it was the most personal conversations.
10 years later this year, it still breaks my heart to remember how much she cried in those messages. My mom is a strong person, and never lets things get to her, so hearing her voice crack and wail makes my soul scream in pain and despair.”
Just like Robin Hood.
“I slip money in my sister’s and best friend’s purses or drawers at their houses.
Neither of them will directly take money from me so I hide it around their houses. I don’t think either of them have figured out its me.”
Good neighbor.
“I had a neighbor who was an older lady and didn’t have much extra money. She had a dog she couldn’t afford to take to the vet regularly.
The dog was everything to her. I would tell her I was going to take her dog to the dog park to play a couple of times a week. He was friends with my dog anyway, so it was no big deal.
Once a year, one of those trips was taking the dog to the vet. I never told her or any of my neighbors because I didn’t want to embarrass her.”
Don’t forget.
“Before your cell phone kept track of birthdays, I used to remind my husband’s friends and family about his birthday so he’d get a lot of birthday greetings.
It totally made him happy that everyone remembered his birthday.”
All about image.
“I tell my therapist everything. But other than her nobody knows how fearful and nervous I am.
People often comment on how calm I seem, I’m just good at not showing how brutally afraid I am, pretty much all the time.”
Summer camp nightmare.
“I was at church summer camp when I was 10 and got up to use the bathroom during a daytime chapel service.
On the way there, I was picking at a scab on my hand, and it started to bleed just a bit. Once I got into the bathroom stall, I used some of the blood to write the word DIE on the wall above the toilet.
The camp staff freaked out once they found it, and everyone who had left the service to use the bathrooms was questioned.
I remember they made a huge deal out of it, and the camp director talked to us about how worried he was, but no one ever zeroed in on me, and my bleeding had stopped by the time anyone was paying attention.
I was just really into Sherlock Holmes and solving mysteries. I thought the bloody word looked like the scary cover font on some of my mystery books. I also wanted to see if anyone could solve what happened.
Belated apologies to anyone who was a church camp counselor in upstate New York in the summer of ’88 and had to deal with my bulls**t.”
Doesn’t need to know.
“A couple years before my father died he told me that he loved me more then my sister.
My sister is one of the worst human beings I’ve had the displeasure of living with, but she doesn’t need to know about this.”
Time to turn it around.
“I’m a crippling al**holic and my health is nosediving.
But I’m terrified of getting help for many reasons. The only option near me is a mental hospital where you can’t even have strings in your gym shorts. Let alone care for my other health issues.
I’m terrified of coming clean to my friends and family and losing them because I won’t fit in anymore.”
You were needed.
“I almost k**led myself back in ’96 but didn’t go through with it.
The next year in ’97 I randomly saved the life of a complete stranger. If I hadn’t been here neither would they. It still blows my mind to think about that.
I’ve never told anyone about either event. They seemed too… Metaphysically personal/intense/private to talk to anyone about.”
Looking for friends.
“Many people around me think I like being alone, but I really need some friends.
I lost my friend group a year ago because everyone moved on and I still do not have any real friends. I want to make new friends or even find a date because I want to feel loved.
I just don’t have any confidence.”
Some really juicy ones in there.
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