‘They keep demanding I get up and make them food.’ Mom Wonders If Telling Her 11-Year-Old Twins To Make Their Own Breakfast Makes Her Selfish.
by Trisha Leigh
People have all kinds of ideas about parenting. We all do it differently and, for the most part, the kiddos turn out ok.
This mom has 11yo twins who insist on waking her up to make a big breakfast on the weekends.
My twins (both 11m) have started this thing on the weekends where they wake up at the ass crack of dawn and wake me up because they’re hungry.
Most of the time, I get up and make them food but sometimes (like today) I don’t feel very well and I tell them to make themselves some cereal, make something microwaveable, or grab a snack until I fully wake up. (I’m a slow riser— I can’t just get up and go)
She would like to sleep in, and for them to get their own bowl of cereal or whatever, but they are pushing back in a big way.
Her partner is supportive of her desire for rest, but OP thinks maybe it’s just something that moms should do and she should capitulate.
They keep demanding I get up and make them food. My partner believes that I’m in the right when I do this and that they’re 100% capable of feeding themselves. While I’m honestly not sure.
I understand that eating something cooked by your mom is special and an act of love and maybe that’s why the boys are so pushy about it.
I admittedly have a hard time finding the line between coddling my kids and pushing them to have more independence.
So that is why I’m here, looking for outside opinions.
What does Reddit think? You know they’re going to tell her!
The top comment says that this is a great age for OP to start letting them have more independence.
This person says it’s definitely not too early to start teaching them life skills.
And this commenter says OP needs to do what’s best for her family, but she also needs to do right by her kids.
They say the kids have a couple of choices that don’t include waking up mom.
This comment says the kids are old enough to understand why mom would want some extra rest, too.
Sounds like it’s time for some changes in their home.
I know that it will be for the best in the end.

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