‘Chipotle you can’t pull a fast one on us like this.’ A Woman Sounded Off About Chipotle Giving Influencers Huge Burrito Bowls
by Matthew Gilligan
I have friends who work in restaurants and they’ve told me stories about “influencers” wanting free food in exchange for some publicity for their businesses, so I’m inclined to believe this story…
A woman named Candacce posted a video on TikTok and claimed that fast food chain Chipotle is hiring influencers and giving them BIG burrito bowls to offset bad press and publicity it received from a viral video that claimed the chain’s food has gone downhill while they’ve raised prices.
Candacce said, “Whoever made that downfall of Chipotle video I’m pretty sure Chipotle saw it. Why is there all of a sudden a bunch of Influencers showing off their burrito bowls, but they’re the size of this?”
Candacce thinks this is a coordinated effort by Chipotle to fight bad press and she said, “Hold on, their burrito bowls do not look like this. I know they saw that video. Chipotle you can’t pull a fast one on us like this. That’s not how any of this works. Look at this! What burrito bowl have you gotten that is this full? If I go to Chipotle right now…no, you cannot convince me.”
Candacce’s video showed different influencers with big helpings of food and she said, “Not even these are realistic, this is still too full. I saw a burrito bowl and you couldn’t even see the top of it, it was that low in the little container. They saw that downfall of Chipotle video and they were like, ‘Let’s just gaslight everyone. Have influencers take pictures with huge burrito bowls.’
She added, “Also, I would bet my right pinky that the meeting they had about this whole campaign, I would bet everything that they did not address the small burrito bowls. One of their employees is like, ‘Do you wanna change like the portions, cause I saw a TikTok complaining about the portion sizes recently?’ And they’re like, ‘Nah…no.’”
She also said, “For the content, I was gonna go to Chipotle and get a burrito bowl just to see but I am not spending $24 so I I can eat at Chipotle. You are out of your minds.”
The caption to her video reads, “A bunch of influencers got sponsorships with chipotle but the bowls are unrealistic maybe some places fill them but all the ones i’ve been to recently were so skimpy.”
She was all fired up!
Here’s what she had to say.
And here’s how TikTokkers responded.
One person remembers the good old days…
Another individual said you have to order in person.
And this TikTok user said you just gotta ask for extra!
Have you seen anything like this in your Chipotle adventures?
I haven’t…yet…
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · chipotle, food, influencers, restaurants, social media, tiktok, top, video, viral

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