January 27, 2024 at 2:51 pm

‘All I’m trying to do is get my acne medicine.’ – Teenage Customer Puts Pharamacy On Blast After Being Subjected To A Very Rude Experience

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: TikTok/charspart2

One bad experience with a worker can ruin your day…

And a young woman took to TikTok to sound off about a pharmacy technician who completely ruined her day.

She said that she’s “never had a pleasant experience at the pharmacy” and she didn’t hold back with what happened on the particular day that got her all riled up.

The woman said she was having a really bad day and was crying when she asked a pharmacy tech for her acne medication. The tech told her it would be in by “12, 12” and didn’t seem to sympathize with her situation.

Source: TikTok/charspart2

She thought he meant a few hours later at 12 o’clock but the tech then said they meant it would be ready on December 12, which was the following day.

The woman went back the next day to get her prescription and the tech told her it would cost her $200, not the $60 she’d been told before.

Source: TikTok/charspart2

She called her stepdad while preparing to pay to explain the situation and the tech said to her, “Maybe you should tell me that you need to call your dad before…you’re holding up the line.”

She was obviously upset and said to the camera, “What did I do to you? All I’m trying to do is get my acne medicine!”

Source: TikTok/charspart2

Here’s the video.


And here’s how people responded.

This person made a great comment.

Source: TikTok/charspart2

Another TikTokker isn’t a fan of DMV workers, either.

Source: TikTok/charspart2

And this person who works in a pharmacy has a message for all of us.

Source: TikTok/charspart2

That pharmacy tech should think about a new line of work.

I don’t know if they can handle it!

Enjoy that Tok? Check out this video from a former Chipotle employee who reveals how the company cheats customers out of food.