Old Clip Of Gordon Ramsay Ridiculing Dish Resurfaces When He Ends Up Putting It On His Own Menu
by Ryan McCarthy
Everyone, I have something to admit. Nothing soothes my soul like Kitchen Nightmares.
There is something infinitely cathartic about a British man going to small town USA restaurants and reading them the Riot Act. It should be studied.
The Italian restaurant with a drive thru pasta window? Classic. Amy’s Baking Company? I could literally write a dissertation.
But one moment has not aged as well as the rest, as this TikToker, @nldoty, went to TikTok to point out, after realizing Chef Ramsay included a dish he heavily ridiculed on a later menu of his!
@nldoty starts his exposé with an old clip from Kitchen Nightmares that he says regularly makes the rounds of their highlight reels.
For those who aren’t Kitchen Nightmare fanatics like me, the process always starts with him sampling their menu and getting a feel of their food.
He is right in the middle of this when one menu item in particular piques his interest, The Grilled Caesar Salad.
He is incredulous at this, “Is there a misprint on there, or is that me? The lettuce is grilled??
He grills (no pun intended) the poor waitress about the puzzling item, and she confirms that he read the menu right, asking him if he had never had the dish before.
He snorts at this and snidely remarks that “It hasn’t hit London yet.”
And in spite of his distaste, he decides to start with the Grilled Caesar.
From the moment he comes out, he is gobsmacked, cautiously picking the lettuce apart with his fork and exclaiming “Come on!”
But he doesn’t stop there.
Chef Ramsay is so incensed by this that he gets the whole dining room’s attention with a clink of his glass, and daintily holds the lettuce out in front of him like a biohazard.
“Show of hands, has anyone else had a grilled caesar salad before?”
This remark draws the laughter of the other diners, humiliating the chef who had prepared the food for Ramsay.
But this clip rubbed @nldoty the wrong way, and he expressed his mock amazement that any “self-respecting chef” would serve a grilled piece of lettuce.
But wait, what’s that? Chef Ramsay served GRILLED LETTUCE at an event he catered? That can’t be true!
BUT IT IS! @nldoty showed recipes from Ramsay’s menu when he catered the Daytona 500, showing in big bold letters, Grilled Romaine Salad!
The worst part is, Chef Ramsay posted the recipe himself!
And after all the flack he gave that poor chef, as if Grilled Lettuce was the most absurd thing he had ever heard!
This switch-up reminded many commenters of his outrage against frozen foods.
But Ramsay had his defenders in the comments.
And many people actually thought grilled salad would be pretty good.
And some thought that the grilled lettuce would have been fine if the chef had just cut it up!
I guess it’s safe to say Grilled Lettuce has officially “hit London”, huh Chef Ramsay?
If you liked that story, check out this one about a Costco customer who got their cart stolen… so she hatched a plan to get it back!

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