February 10, 2024 at 8:33 am

A Man Constantly Complained About the Construction in His Neighborhood So Workers Decided to Put up a Tower in Front of His House

by Matthew Gilligan

RedditHarrass A Man Constantly Complained About the Construction in His Neighborhood So Workers Decided to Put up a Tower in Front of His House

Source: Reddit/@ohpsies

One thing I’ve learned in life is that if you act like a jerk, the universe will get back at you in some way, shape, or form…

And that’s what happened to a guy who treated folks who were just trying to do their jobs like garbage.

But he got his…

Check out what happened in the story below!

Home owner got what was coming to him after daily harassment.

“I worked an engineering/construction job last year for a home builder and we had to deal with a bunch of 5g anti-vaxxer health nuts moving in to one of our neighborhoods.

Constant complaints about the construction, the noise, the debris, which made no sense because they chose to move into the neighborhood before construction was completed.

Ther was one guy…

One man in particular would harass us daily, complaining about the streetlights being too bright (they weren’t) and complaining about a generator we had running about a block away from him to power the site temporarily until we had the infrastructure in.

The complaints ranged from the generator was damaging his hearing (thing was almost completely silent) or that the fumes from the generator were coming into his house and causing him and his kids to have stunted development. They would come up with stuff that made little to no sense.

It escalated to the point where he got the city and the mayor involved, and we got sued so we gave in to his requests and moved to generator to an inconvenient location & had to take the time and money to rewire to be able to power the areas needed (this was including important stuff like the streetlights, we had to leave off for a couple nights until the move was complete, and you guessed it, he would call to complain. The nerve of this man.)

He had this coming!

So, here comes the revenge. We received an order from the city to install a 5g tower on site to improve cellular connection because the area we were in had pretty bad service.

Since my team and I were in charge of creating the plans to install the infrastructure, guess where we all simultaneously agreed to put the tower: right smack dab in front of the angry man’s house.

We thought this was incredibly hilarious and couldn’t stop laughing every time he would call freaking out while the tower was being constructed. Got to the point he tried to file another lawsuit, got laughed away, and within a week we never heard from them again. Moved out faster than the wind.”

Check out what people had to say about this story.

This person had a story to share…

Another Reddit user made a good point.

This reader might use this idea…

And one Reddit user considers themself lucky to have fiber where they live.

I bet he wished he never would’ve opened his mouth.

You can say that again!