‘They ripped the whole ignition out.’ – Woman Buys A Car And Then Somebody Immediately Tries To Steal It In Front Of Her House
by Laura Lynott
It used to be the case that you would buy a new car and you enjoyed the luxury of nothing going wrong for a while.
But it seems that is becoming a joy that’s being consigned to the past for many motorists, who are finding issues with brand new vehicles.
@deardarlingdesignstudio bought a 2024 Kia Soul – you heard it a brand new car – and she was NOT happy as it was already broken into and she wasn’t alerted to the attempted theft happening until she saw the car.
The TikToker said she only spotted something was wrong when she walked up to the car and saw its front and back windshield wipers were going like some kinda ghost car.
The car was parked up outside her Baltimore home at around 6.30pm when it was broken into and the driver’s seat was lying flat.
She told her followers: “I thought the car was malfunctioning or something. Is it gonna blow up?. I was scared.”
The driver ran back into her home to her husband and kids and then she was alerted that her neighbour’s doorbell camera had caught the thief running off.
That meant he’d been in her car when she came out to it!
Now that is scary. That mom must feel so lucky she didn’t come face to face with the thief!
“They ripped the whole ignition out,” she said. “They broke the back driver side window. My brand new car. I still had all the plastic and everything on it. There was glass all over my baby’s carseat.”
The fact the vehicle was so easy to break into has left a sour taste in the driver’s mouth. She’d saved hard to get her family a new car.
And then to add to her anger, she said the police told her car thefts just like this are happening regularly and often it’s teenagers trying to make off with vehicles.
A recent ABC11 news report stated that Kias and Hyundais are top of the theft list for a lot of young car thieves.
Hyundai told ABC11 that thieves had found a way to bypass car security features and had then spread the information on social media.
The South Korean car maker said it had upgraded software and installed engine immobilizers on cars made since November 2021.
Some parents really need to take control of their kids if they’re going around stealing cars. Prison will eventually await them when they get older!
Watch the full clip here:
@deardarlingdesignstudio Like ive worked SO HARD to save up for this car… if your kids are doing this, you need to get it together #kiasoul #kia #stolencar #kiasoulchallenge
Here’s what people thought of the clip:
This isn’t exactly good advice now is it!
This sounds kinda insane.
Folk are concerned.
This would have been seriously scary!
Glad she’s okay.
Want to read another story where somebody got satisfying revenge? Check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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