Homeowners Build A New Fence Out Of Spite, But Lose Some Of Their Own Backyard In The Process
by Chris Allen
Ahh the good ol’ neighbor dispute. With a little bit of HOA nonsense tossed into the mix.
Squabbling over inches of land; stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
Because the human will to stay submerged in the petty pool is unrivalled.
Just like this story here from a guy on TikTok named Fencezilla.
With Jerry Lewis’ “Great Balls of Fire” playing in the background, we can see that we’re in action mode.
The video kicks off with the caption reading,
“HOA said the neighbor does not have to pay for half of the fence, so we aren’t replacing theirs.”
That’ll show ’em!
Hey looks like a super nice day out to build a fence at least!
Cue the time-lapse video of 2 gents filled with the spirit of resolve.
They get to work building a gorgeous brand new fence.
Losing a couple inches of sq footage in your backyard?
Or the sight of a nice new fence when you step up to your breakfast nook window?
You decide.
Check out the full video here:
@jamezilla007 Fence next to a fence
Let’s see what folks had to say.
One commenter had a genius move that this homeowner 100% should have done.
While one person just sees this as a win for the neighbor.
A couple folks talked about how much better this could have gone with some good ol’ fashioned COMMUNICATION.
Goodness Gracious New Fence Day!
If you liked that story, check out this one about a 72-year-old woman was told by her life insurance company that her policy was worthless because she’d paid for 40 years. 🙁
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