Untrained Dog Makes A Toddler Start Crying, So The Dog Owner Suggest That The Kid And Parents Get Lost
by Ryan McCarthy
A crying baby is a sound that can ruin a wide variety of occasions: a long plane ride, a movie, a concert, or a nice dinner out.
And while we all wish we could walk over to that table and tell the newborn to suck it up and stop crying, we don’t, because we know that’s an absolute waste of our time.
I mean, if there was a secret to get your baby to stop crying, don’t you think sleep deprived parents would have found it out centuries ago?
Well apparently the man in this user’s story didn’t get the memo, because after his meal was “ruined” by OP’s newborn, he had the nerve to tell them to stop his crying!
Check it out!
AITA for my kid crying and annoying a dog owner
I went out to eat on a patio with my 10 month old and wife. We got seated at a table next to a guy who brought his dog. Its medium sized, not sure what breed.
Its a few minutes, all is well, we get our drinks and order our food. Another guy with a dog shows up.
The dog barks/growls at him. The guy gets his dog to be quiet. The other dog doesn’t react at all.
And OP said that since his young son wasn’t used to being around dogs, his son began crying after the dogs’ interaction.
We aren’t a dog family. We chose this spot because the weather was great and the food/drinks are good.
The presence of a dog doesn’t bother me, but i’m not going to willingly interact with them.
My kid has minimal experience around dogs. Thats for his safety. The barking/growling however, caused my 10 month old to start crying.
It freaked him out. My wife is consoling him.
To OP’s surprise, the dog owner suggested he take his kid somewhere else until he stopped crying.
Its maybe 30 seconds and the other guy tells us maybe we should take him away.
I see no reason to do that and I tell him he’ll be fine in a few minutes.
My kid however isn’t calming down as quick as we hoped. The guy pipes up again and says my crying kid is ruining his meal.
But OP argued that they wouldn’t be in this situation if his dog hadn’t been growling in the first place.
I flip out, telling him to shut up and that his dog is the reason my kid is crying. He tells me if I can’t handle my kid I shouldn’t be going out to eat.
I tell him this whole thing is entirely his fault for bringing his stupid dog out. He calls me a jerk and calls the waitress over to complain.
My wife and I decide to leave cash and get out of there.
Was I in the wrong here?
Seems like nothing more than two level-headed men getting into a perfectly amicable conversation!
Definitely no unwarranted aggression here.
Reddit was at a loss for words with this story, but many sided with OP in saying that telling a baby to stop crying is like telling the Sun to stop shining!
This commenter said a dog’s growl is a warning sign, and the baby was right to be scared by it.
This parent said its hard enough seeing your baby cry without people throwing their 2 cents in.
But this user said OP wasn’t in the right either, as his reaction was a bit extreme for the circumstances.
Yeah, not a great look from anyone in this story, but I think I have to be on OP’s side.
If I was already trying to get my kid to calm down, and some jerk came over and started making a fuss about it, I don’t think I would be too pleased either!
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