May 22, 2024 at 1:44 am

HOA Made A Ridiculous Rule About When Trash Could Be Put Out, So The Neighbors Got Together And Got Smelly Revenge

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Reddit/Shutterstock

HOAs exist for a reason, and I even hear that some of them do more good than harm.

That said, sometimes they really need to be put in their place.

This guy’s HOA is normally ok, but in this instance decided they needed something more to do.

Your trash cans may only be out at specific times!

We live in an HOA, and if you don’t, lucky you.

We have never had any real problems, they don’t do much other than make sure the park and gardens look good.

Anyhow, for whatever reason, they decided to add a new rule. It wasn’t needed, but I guess they got bored and wanted something to do.

Maybe someone kept leaving their trash cans out all week. Fine, just ask them not to. It’s not that hard.

So, they made a silly rule about when to take out and take in your trash.

The new rule states when trash cans can be put out. They can’t be out before 6 am on Wednesdays and must be put back before 6 pm the same day.

This is obviously stupid and has a few problems.

First of all, some people use a different company. The HOA provided one goes on Wednesday and it’s cheap so most people use it, but you don’t have to. Some people have theirs go Monday or Tuesday.

Also, a lot of people here work in the medical field and just aren’t home during those times. So no one is there to put out or bring in cans.

The neighbors got together and decided to comply…aggressively.

So, a few of us got together on how to comply, but be annoying about it.

We decided to comply with their set times as best we can. Take it out at 6 when a lot of us go to work or go for a morning walk, and take it back in at 6 since most of us are home.

Some of us help by taking others bins to the street if they’re at work.

But, when it is time to take out the trash, do it as loud as possible.

Bin has wheels? DRAG IT.

Got it to the street, make sure it’s firmly placed on the street.

Need to take out other bag? Slap it in there and let the lids slam shut.

For those who have trash go out on other days, comply with the times, but do in on your trash day. Then, also put them out on Wednesday as required.

If you can, leave trash in them and leave the lid open to it would bake in the sun all day.

Yes, it did smell like hot trash. That’s the point.

It didn’t take long for the rule to be amended.

After 3 weeks of this, an email was sent out. The rule was thrown out, and we were all simply asked to put out and take in our cans within a reasonable amount of time, preferably on trash day.

Was it really that hard to ask nicely? Why not just address whoever was the problem?

Know that, because an HOA rule was changed, a lawyer was paid to look over it before the CC&R could be updated.

That means this stupid rule cost every resident money.

Anyhow, we are already planning on voting out one member of the board who we know is the problem come the summer election.

Does Reddit think this was malicious enough? Let’s find out!

For people outside the States, more than one part of this story was weird.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

It’s impossible for a lot of people, I bet.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

You’ve gotta band together to fight the man!

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Some people just can’t handle power.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Complaining is a hobby for some.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Me, I love a quiet revolution.

Especially when it gets the job done.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.