June 5, 2024 at 12:12 am

Her Dad Told Her Mom She Had To Quit Her Job And Do Her Chores Instead, So She Jokingly Told Her Boss That She Was Quitting… And Then Didn’t

by Abby Jamison

Source: Reddit/maliciouscompliance/Pexels/ArthurKrijgsman

There’s nothing better than a woman who sticks it to someone trying to put her down.

In this case, this person’s mom took a rude demand from her husband and found a way to stick it to him without him even knowing.

Here’s the full story…

Tell Your Boss You’re Quitting

This isn’t my story, but my mother’s. She died recently at the age of 89, and my sister and I were reminiscing.

This is one of our favorite stories involving our mother. My brothers called her “V” because her first name begins with “V,” so I’ll refer to her as “V.”

Let’s get into the story…

This happened many years ago, about the time I graduated from high school. V had taken a job (her first since she and my dad got married) in a public kindergarten.

Now my dad was always a bit of a bully, especially towards my mother. My dad was not a nice person, and that’s a whole story in itself.

V had survived ovarian cancer at the age of 33, so she was probably about 38/39 when this happened.

Now my dad insisted that if she was going to hold down a job, she still had to do all her “chores” when she got home…..cooking, cleaning, laundry etc.

Things took a turn…

I can’t remember exactly what prompted the argument about her “chores,” but something didn’t get done that he expected and demanded that she do.

He informed her that she WOULD tell her boss that she was quitting when she went back to work the next day.

Before he left for work the next day, he reminded her that she was to tell her boss that she was quitting. Cue “malicious compliance.” I loved my mom.

She made her point…

She went to work that morning, stopped at her boss’s office, and said these exact words….”My husband said to tell you that I was quitting,” and then moseyed on to her classroom.

A few minutes later, her very puzzled boss popped in and asked her if she was serious.

She said “no, but my husband told me to tell you I was quitting, so I did.”

And no…..she didn’t quit her job until she was good and ready, several years later.

Let’s see what Reddit users thought about this one…

This commenter gives their condolences.

Source: Reddit/maliciouscompliance

Some people expected different twist!

Source: Reddit/maliciouscompliance

This commenter is glad times have changed.

Source: Reddit/maliciouscompliance

This Reddit user thinks the husband should taste his own medicine!

Source: Reddit/maliciouscompliance

That’s how you do it!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.