June 1, 2024 at 11:16 pm

His Wife Keeps Badgering Him About Trivial Things, So Now He’s Done Being Polite To Her And Starts To Get Aggressive

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/AITA

When people play dumb and they act like they don’t know what I’m talking about, it makes me INSANE.

So I can sympathize with what this fella is saying!

But he wants to know if the fine folks at Reddit think about how he’s been treating his wife.

Read on and see what you think.

AITA for being aggressive with my wife?

“My wife has trouble understanding when I give her an answer.

I will give the example that drives me the most nuts.

She will ask me in the middle of the afternoon if I would like a snack. If I say yes then she will make a snack or tell me that she would like to go get something.

This sounds pretty annoying…

However if I say no she won’t just make herself something or go get something for herself.

She will ask me if I’m sure. I am. She will then give me a list of things we could eat. I still don’t want anything.

Then she will check again. Nope still not hungry.

Then she will go to the fridge and start listing random stuff we could eat. Not interested.


I tell her that she could just eat something by herself. I tell her that she could go get something by herself.

I offer to make her a snack.

I offer to order in.

I offer to go out with her so she doesn’t want to sit somewhere by herself. None of those is a good enough response.

Then she will go back to checking if I’m sure I don’t want anything.

By this point I’m done and I tell her very clearly that I’m not interested and that it is the last time I am going to answer politely.

And this is when she says that I do not need to be so aggressive about answering a simple question.

I swear it takes all my self restraint not to lose it on her.

I think these two need a therapist…

But she still complains about me being so aggressive.

It is becoming a real problem.

I don’t think that warning her that I’m done being polite is aggressive. I think it’s me being frustrated that she won’t just accept no as easy as she will yes.

She still tells me that I’m being a jerk when I react so aggressively.”

Check out how folks reacted on Reddit.

This person said he’s NTA.

Screen Shot 2024 05 25 at 1.42.11 PM His Wife Keeps Badgering Him About Trivial Things, So Now He’s Done Being Polite To Her And Starts To Get Aggressive

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another individual shared their thoughts.

Screen Shot 2024 05 25 at 1.42.21 PM His Wife Keeps Badgering Him About Trivial Things, So Now He’s Done Being Polite To Her And Starts To Get Aggressive

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person has been there…

Screen Shot 2024 05 25 at 1.42.41 PM His Wife Keeps Badgering Him About Trivial Things, So Now He’s Done Being Polite To Her And Starts To Get Aggressive

Source: Reddit/AITA

One reader also said he’s NTA.

Screen Shot 2024 05 25 at 1.42.56 PM His Wife Keeps Badgering Him About Trivial Things, So Now He’s Done Being Polite To Her And Starts To Get Aggressive

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Screen Shot 2024 05 25 at 1.43.07 PM His Wife Keeps Badgering Him About Trivial Things, So Now He’s Done Being Polite To Her And Starts To Get Aggressive

Source: Reddit/AITA

I think I might lose my mind if someone annoyed me like this.


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