Incompetent Boss Fired An Employee For Their “Negativity,” So They Dug Into His Past Reported His Masters And PhD Paper Plagiarism To His Alma Mater
by Matthew Gilligan
If you’re gonna be an incompetent, mean boss, you better make sure your ducks are in a row are far as your educational accomplishments are concerned…
Because if you make enough people mad, someone is gonna do their research to make sure that you’re legit!
Take a look at what this worker did after their boss canned them.
Start now!
My boss fired me – So I took his Masters and PhD title.
“I had a rich boss once – that was only rich because of the wealth from his grandparents.
Guy was a complete and utter moron.
He made nonsensical financial decisions and burned through hundreds of thousands of dollars in completely avoidable mistakes. But because he had money from his ancestors he just shrugged of these losses and continued.
He had also only but the faintest idea about his company or how to lead or keep employees. I was basically keeping the company together.
As such I was the naysayer that blocked 90% of his stupid plans and decisions. Due to my “negativity” I was fired.
The guy was also arrogant as hell because he had a Masters and PhD in economics.
I thought “no way in hell can this guy have a Masters/PhD he’s so stupid”.
Well, this is interesting…
So I searched for his Masters and PhD thesis – went to the University library – and what a surprise on the second page of his Master Thesis found a text passage without citation.
After like 40 minutes I found another 10 passages he copied without citation. I spent only some 20 Minutes examining his PhD thesis and found 2 cases.
I made pictures of the text passages he copied and the books from where he took them and wrote an anonymous Email to the University. A year later he lost both his Masters and PhD because of his plagiarism.
I know this from people that still work with him because he exploded – the university just thanked me but told me they can’t provide further info due to data protection.
So either he had a ghost writer write it for him who didn’t care – or he just copied and thought he would never be caught.
He wrote both in the 1980s.
Chances are many Masters and PhD theses from these times are plagiarised because there were less possibilities to check.
After all imagine its 1985 and you are at the University of Chicago and during a trip to Miami you visit the library and write of a thesis there.
If you change the title, there is almost a zero chance that you will ever be caught.
So if you have stupid bosses/people around you with a degree that are older and did you wrong – it might be worth your time to check their thesis.”
Let’s see how Reddit users reacted.
This person shared a story.
Another reader spoke up.
Another Reddit user shared a story.
This individual shared a sad tale.
Another individual had a lot to say.
I bet this guy wishes he’d never fired them…
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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