She Told Her Daughter That Her Allowance Would End On Her Sixteenth Birthday, But Her Daughter Got Mad When She Followed Through
by Michael Levanduski
Teaching kids to be responsible with money is very important, and for many families, that starts with giving them an allowance.
As they get older, however, parents will eventually stop giving an allowance and expect their kids to get a job so they can understand that getting money takes work.
In this story, OP ended her daughter’s allowance when she turned 16, which made her really upset.
Mom is standing firm but is getting pushback from her husband.
Read on to see if you think OP is the AH.
AITA for sticking to my word and not giving my daughter an allowance after her 16 birthday
This is about my middle daughter, Kara.
While I’m sure Kara won’t be happy about this, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to me.
I informed her a few months ago that I will stop giving her an allowance when she turned 16.
I did this because she is old enough to earn her own pocket money by getting a job or babysitting for anyone in the family.
OP is spot on here. Kids learn a lot of valuable lessons from their first jobs.
It is also good job experience for her to work and really understand getting a paycheck. Not to mention learning how to interact with coworkers.
Multiple family have younger children and are always asking for any relatives who can babysit. So there is something quite easy for her to do if she doesn’t want to get a part time job
This next line is important. It shows she is being fair to all her kids.
I did the same thing with my older son and he got his own job at the local pool.
There are plenty of jobs around the area so that is not an issue.
I made it clear I will help both of them to get a job, and when my son asked I helped him with his resume.
So her 16 birthday came and went.
She asked me where her allowance was and I reminded her that she isn’t getting one anymore.
She may think OP is a jerk, but I think Kara is acting like an entitled brat.
This started an argument and she thinks I am jerk for doing this.
My husband also thinks I should give in but I am not.
From my point of view, OP made the right decision to stop giving allowance at age 16.
My opinion was only solidified by the fact that Kara got so upset about it.
Kids need to learn about the value of money, and they can’t do that if it is always just given to them.
Let’s see what other Redditors have to say.
This comment is right. OP’s child will learn some valuable lessons from this.
I agree that school is the #1 priority, but there is plenty of time for a part-time job for most kids.
Hmm, by this logic, she is also going to eat for the rest of her life, so she shouldn’t learn to cook. The fact that she is going to work the rest of her life is just one more reason that she should get some experience with it.
Good point here. It’s not like OP is making her daughter get a full-time job.
I don’t understand why Kara is acting like this either. It should have come as no surprise.
Some kids have it too easy.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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