She Announced Her Pregnancy On A Family Trip, But Her Oldest Sister Has Struggled With Infertility. Now Her Other Sisters Are Angry Because They Think It Was Insensitive.
by Sarrah Murtaza
It doesn’t cost anything to be happy in someone else’s happiness and the least we can do is not spoil it for them.
This girl’s sisters blamed her for announcing her pregnancy only because they didn’t have any kids.
Find out the full story!
AITA for announcing my pregnancy?
Hi all, so a little bit of background my husband and I have been married for a year, and are 14 weeks pregnant. We have been together for 5 years total (currently 28 & 30).
I have a pretty complex family dynamic, in that I have two older sisters from my dads side, then me – then my parents separated when I was 9, got back together when I was 21 (an entire drama), in that time my Mom had my little sister, and my Dad a little sister both with previous partners.
Things are complicated.
I in total have 4 sisters ages 36-15. My parents are very happy together, and all my siblings seem to get on with my parents / there step parents.
The issues comes, that there is a view from my older sisters that I am my dads favorite (due to being his only child with my mom).
Things aren’t as good with the other sisters.
My oldest sister has been struggling with infertility for over 5 years, my next oldest sister has never been in a relationship and has previously called both my husband and I ‘perverts’ as she believes we both ‘love sex’ while this isn’t untrue – I just think she has an odd relationship with it.
My Dad takes all his children, his partner and his daughters partners on a family weekend every year (he pays).
She was over the moon!
I found out I was 13 weeks pregnant (missed the early signs), a week before the trip. My husband and I decided to wait until the trip (a week later) to tell my family, as ALL my immediate family would be there.
I was especially excited to tell my Mom.
In the first night while we sat down for dinner, I basically said ‘how would you all feel if there was baby-surname here next year’.
My mom got it, and cried, my dad even cried, everyone seemed happy.
Sisters weren’t very happy about it.
Today on a group text with my two older sisters, they have said it was inconsiderate to my oldest sister, and my other older sister – as it was ‘rubbing it in’.
In addition, they said it was proving that our Dad cared for me and my Mom more than them.
She just wanted them to be happy for her!
Obviously I cannot comment on there relationship with my dad and my Mom, however the actual pregnancy announcement I feel so sad about.
I obviously am excited, and hoped they would be to.
So AITA for announcing my pregnancy to my family at the same time, on a family weekend?
Why couldn’t they just leave their jealousy aside for their sister’s special day?!
Some people can really be very mean!
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.
This person knows what its like to have family dynamics like this girl.
This person has some important points.
This person thinks the girl could have told their sisters beforehand.
This person knows the announcement was inevitable!
This person is trying to understand infertile women.
What was she supposed to do… not tell her family?
Come on kids… it’s time to get along.
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