She Harasses Him From Her Car As He’s Canvassing Door-To-Door And Then Calls The Cops On Him, But She’s The One Who Ends Up Getting Fined
by Ashley Ashbee
Door-to-door sales people really annoy a lot of people, but it’s legal to do it and there’s little you can do to stop it from happening.
If you have a problem with canvassers, there’s a right way and a wrong way to handle it.
Check out the wrong way this Karen chose to go about it.
You’ll call the police on me for doing my job? Ok…
I canvas neighborhoods to offer free estimates.
I’m working a neighborhood in Maryland when your typical high class Karen pulls up in a black Lexus.
She tells me this is a no soliciting neighborhood.
But OP is prepared for any Karens who may come his way.
I tell her we have a license and show it to her.
She starts screaming about how she’s on the home owners association and “orders” me to leave the neighborhood.
Being the young professional I am, I tell her which way I’m going and that if security wants to talk to me they can find me down that way.
She loses it, starts calling me names and follows me on my path through the neighborhood, “Forget security! I’m calling the police!”
Great I’m going down this way, I say.
OP finds the Karen karma satisfying for the following reasons.
Police pull up, talk to me, check my license, slap Karen with a fine for disturbing the peace.
I set 4 appointments and made over a thousand dollars that day.
In other news, a security guard pulled up later that day and asked what was up.
I told him I was from the fire department and he said to have a nice day.
Here’s what people are saying.
Very true! I worry about people with cognitive issues who can’t see the difference.
I don’t like it either, but that doesn’t make it okay to cause a public disturbance and waste police’s time and resources.
Then they say, “I hope I’m not disturbing you” when you know they want to disturb you because that means you’re at home.
This is exactly my view. Sales don’t change my opinion.
A very kind take. There wasn’t many of those in this comment section.
I don’t like canvassers, but I’m not rude to them unless they don’t leave and keep trying to convince me I’m wrong.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · door to door, hoa, karen, petty revenge, picture, reddit, sales, top

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