She’s Sick Of Her Sister Playing The Hero For Being A Stay-At-Home Mom, So She Responded With An Epic Insult
by Ashley Ashbee
It’s hard to have to listen to people brag about how hard their life is while they appear to be using someone and being lazy.
Hearing about it all the time for years can definitely grate on one’s nerves.
But what happens if you can’t stand hearing about it anymore?
Check out how this mom’s sister intervenes.
AITA for telling my sister she is not a martyr for staying at home and if I was her husband I would divorce her
My sister and her husband have two kids. They are both in school.
She doesn’t work or help out much compared to her husband.
He takes the kids to school in the morning. The kids come home on the bus in the afternoon.
The quest for insight begins: what does this mom actually do?
Maintaining the house is like 2 hours a day. That leaves her with abut 6-7 hours of just being there.
She came over yesterday and was ranting. They got into an argument about her picking up more slack or getting a job.
I guess this started because he came home to a dirty house and no groceries in the fridge.
I asked why she wasn’t doing chores or at least getting food and she told me she didn’t have time.
I asked if she got a work job and it was a no.
I asked what she is doing all day and gave me no answer.
She decides her sister needs a big old slice of humble pie.
She then went on a rant about how he isn’t doing enough and her husband is being unfair.
I told her if I was her husband I would divorce her since she acts more like a kid than a partner.
This started our own argument and she is livid.
I personally thinks she needed to hear it.
Hear’s what people are saying.
Tons of people seemed offended that she defines SAHM as barely doing anything.
If she’s lazy about being a SAHM, will she start denying her children certain support they need?
I loved to see this compassionate insight about depression. Kindness can go a long way.
It seemed to me that she’s mad at her sister for other things, too.
That would explain the lost time…
Pull your weight, folks.
Or explain why you can’t.
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