July 28, 2024 at 5:41 am

Housekeeper Tried To Get Him To Leave The Room Early, So He Made Her Late By Sending Her Cart On A Trip

by Melissa Triebwasser

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Verne Hoh

Remember when those “do not disturb” signs used to actually mean something?

This story from Reddit tells of a time when the author was disturbed by an aggressive maid, and what he did to get his petty revenge.

Let’s take a look!

Cart go bye bye

Once, at a hotel, I put the do not disturb sign on my door before going to bed.

They give you those do not disturb signs for a reason.

At 7AM there was a loud knocking from the maid wanting to clean my room.

I told her it was too early, but she told me I was checking out that day and the hotel was completely booked for the next two nights due to some sort of local event.

This doesn’t seem like the problem of the author… who has a checkout time of 7AM?

I told her I wasn’t ready to check out, and intended to sleep for another couple of hours.

The sign on the back of the door (and I pointed it out to her) said “Check out time 11AM”.

More knocking around 8AM, waking me up. Same maid, telling me to hurry up since she needed to clean the room.

From my calculations, 8AM is still not 11AM. I would be at my wit’s end by this point.

I told her, with a degree of annoyance, that I was not checking out for another couple of hours.

The next time she knocked, a few minutes later, I didn’t answer. Loud banging, and then she unlocked the door, but the chain on the inside kept the door from opening, and it let her know the room was still occupied.

She barged in on a locked room despite the author confirming that checkout time wasn’t for a few more hours. Sounds like time to get management involved.

I immediately called the front desk, and was told that checkout for that day had been changed to 9AM and that I had been informed of that when I checked in.

That was not true and I said so.

Their reply was that if I were not out by 9AM I would be billed for an extra night.

Feels like that’s something that would need to be put in writing ahead of time. How will our author respond?

I called their bluff, saying that if that were the case I’d simply stay the extra night, since they were charging me for it.

We came to an agreement, that they would give me an “extra” hour, and I would check out by 10AM.

The author did the hotel a favor, it seems. And they would not repay it.

I would’ve been out earlier, but the maid started banging on the door at 9AM, telling me to get out. She actually told me to get out. She was waiting at my door when I walked out at exactly 10AM, and she immediately rushed inside.

He might be out of the room, but he’s not done with the housekeeper.

I wheeled her cart outside my door to the elevator, rode down to the parking garage, and pushed the cart about ten feet away from the elevator against a wall.

Then I went up and checked out.

And yes, I know the maid was doing her job. But 7AM is very early, and after telling her I wasn’t ready she came back twice and woke me up. She was very rude when she could’ve asked me nicely or explained that earlier check out time for that day.

Sounds like the author got the last word in this one, but let’s see what the folks of Reddit have to say.

Unsurprisingly, many folks could relate to the experience.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Some said, blame management, not the maid – who was just doing what she was told.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Others agreed it wasn’t her fault, but she could have handled it better.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Some disagreed, saying fault lies squarely on the employee’s shoulder.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Protocol was broken, according to this commenter.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Whoever is to blame, the housekeeper will be looking for her cart for quite some time!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.