When Her Sister’s Family Was Evicted She Invited Her Into Her Home To Help Her Out, But After They Break Rule After Rule She Tells Them To Hit The Road
by Jayne Elliott
In today’s story, one woman tried to help out her sister by giving her and her family a place to stay.
Unfortunately, what started as a generous offer turned into a fight among family.
Let’s see what happened…
AITA for exposing my sister for being a liar? They agreed to simple rules then slowly broke them and cost me more money
I’m 31(f). I’m a RN. Iwork 4 days and then I’m off, and I bought my home in 2018 and currently am single.
Due to constantly waking late and not feel like going to work, my sister (29) lost her job and my bil (29) couldn’t afford to pay the rent and bills and for what their child needs 1(f).
They were evicted from their house, and due to the way the world is going with the cost living, everyone else didn’t have room for an extra 3 people except for me.
She let her sister and her family move in, but there were a few rules…
Before they even moved in, I had rules set in place in writing as follows:
500 dollars for rent and bills due on the 1st of every month. It’s an extra 3 people.
Starting Sunday night thru Wednesday please try and be quiet, I work those days.
Make a mess, clean it up. Help clean the yard and around the house.
They smoke weed I don’t care but not in the house.
It seemed like everyone was getting along.
Everything was going good for the first few months. and honestly since breaking up with my boyfriend it was kinda nice having someone to talk to.
Then slowly it started going down hill.
She has multiple examples…
My niece spills juice on the floor and it wasn’t mopped up. Or dishes being left in the sink. Or food being left out. Or dirty clothes, deliveries being left in the living room.
Things getting broke and they denying it. Their room and bathroom being dirty.
My sister claimed she was too tired because she did find another job.
It got even worse…
They tried leaving my niece with me after getting off of a 12 hr shift, and when I did agree to watch her oh just for an hour turned into 8 hours.
Then all of a sudden they couldn’t afford the rent, would eat all of my food and not replace anything.
Things really hit the fan when my electric bill was 800 dollars, and my sister response was what? are we suppose to sweat to death.?
I was aware they were running the air conditioning all day.
They refuse to pay more than the agreed 500 dollars.
OP took action.
I told them I wouldn’t charge them rent for the next month but that I wanted them out.
Sister got mad, and they did move out, but she went around telling everyone who would listen that I heartlessly threw them out.
Now, OP’s family is mad at her.
I got a lot of backlash from family and friends. but nope I’m petty, and the good thing about being a nurse is I don’t have time to talk on the phone.
So I posted on Facebook and instagram all of the text messages and photos of what they did to my house.
The pictures didn’t lie.
The texts clearly showed them agreeing they owed me rent money, they left my house a mess, there was mold in the bathroom they were using, and that I was charging them only 500 and not the 1500 they were claiming.
Sister and bil got told off by our parents and now she upset that i expose them like that.
Yikes! That sister sounds like an absolute nightmare.
Let’s see what readers had to say!
One person thinks the lies were too much.
This person blames the sister…
One reader pointed out how it could have been worse.
This is a very good point!
Even if you want to help your family, it’s not always a good idea!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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