Her Bad HOA Never Did Any Maintenance For The Neighborhood And Expected Members To Pay For Everything, So She Decided To Sell Her Place Three Years After She Moved In
by Sarrah Murtaza
Everyone wants a peaceful and well maintained neighborhood, and an HOA promises they’ll help you all get exactly that.
But it isn’t long until you see the true colors of most of those organizations come out.
For this woman, it was bad enough to just sell the house and move!
Check out her HOA story.
HOA single handedly priced out the neighborhood
Got my first home a few years ago.
Yay! It was in an hoa, but for a townhouse and the amount of things the fee covered, I didn’t mind it at all.
She was excited about the new home!
I didn’t have to mow my lawn, the home insurance was covered, snow and ice wasn’t an issue, and it even came with a pool.
Within the first year is when issues came up.
Turns out the snow and ice only gets taken care of under specific circumstances, so even though we had bad ice storms, it was up to the residents to take care of it.
The excitement soon wore off…
The pool I was excited to use was undergoing heavy maintenance that year, and I was out of town or busy for the times it was open, so no pool either.
Year two is when things got interesting.
Insurance pulled out of my state, and my board scrambled to get everyone covered, but due to one claim YEARS ago, we didn’t qualify for the good rates.
Things started getting bad…
So, they took out a payday loan, drained the accounts, and then passed the loan onto the homeowners to deal with.
My 175 monthly fee jumped to 450 in a month.
Lawn care was also fairly bad as well. Multiple trees in my area were older, and large branches came down during storms, which were not picked up for weeks.
This made it hard to be able to walk in the grass and take my dogs out.
It seems impossible for her to be able to manage!
Today, year three, my dues are now 500 a month, and it sounds like we are going to be told tomorrow that we need to tear out our fireplaces and replace our electrical boxes (cost being placed on owner, of course).
Also, rates are expected to go up again in December.
She wants to get out of this HOA.
Since the dues went up, I have seen a massive number of the townhouses go up for sale, as most of my community is retirees on fixed incomes.
I have already reached out to a realtor to sell mine as well.
Guess this girl has too many expectations from her HOA!
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.
This person is sad about the lowly maintained yet expensive HOAs.
This person is shocked at the dues!
This person thinks this girl has it wrong.
This person thinks its hard to find townhouses without HOAs.
This person thinks this girl is at fault and not the HOA.
That’s a lot of opinions on the story!
Are you team HOA or this girl?
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad neighborhood, drama, expensive, fight, hoa, maintenance, petty revenge, picture, problems, reddit, top

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