HIs Wife Ignored His Simple Request About Thawing Out A Prized Brisket, So He Asked Her To Pay For The New One He Had To Buy
by Diana Whelan
What happens when a husband’s BBQ plans are derailed by his wife’s pickiness?
This husband found out the hard way when he asked his wife to thaw a brisket and she flat-out refused.
See how a simple task turned into a heated argument in this story.
Check it out!
AITA for getting in an argument with my wife and telling her that she needs to pay me back for the brisket since she couldn’t spend a minute taking it to the freezer to defrost
My wife is extremely picky about what meats she eats, she usually will only eat chicken and fish.
Red meats she refuses to eat or cook, which is fine.
Tomorrow is the Fourth of July and my family is having a BBQ. I volunteer to bring the brisket.
Smoking a brisket takes 12-18 hours and the meat needs to be thawed. It takes about 24 hours to thaw completely in the fridge.
Good things come to those who wait.
My job called me out on Monday to a site and problems caused me to stay over two nights.
I was planning to use the frozen brisket from the freezer but it needed to be thawed out before hand. (I bought a 1/4 of a cow and I froze it so I wouldn’t have to buy red meat for a year).
On Tuesday I realized that my job was going to keep me and asked my wife to move the brisket from the freezer to the fridge so it can thaw out. A task that would have taking a single minute.
She told me okay and I thought that was it.
Sounds reasonable.
I came home today and it wasn’t in the fridge, it was still in the freezer as hard as a rock.
I can’t use it, so I go to the store and have to buy one.
I asked my wife why she didn’t do what I asked even though she agreed to it. She told me she thought it was gross so she didn’t.
This started an argument.
THAT’s why?
I am angry that she agreed to do me a simple favor and then didn’t and I had to buy one from the store.
I told her she needs to pay me back for what I bought.
She thinks I am being a huge jerk and overreacting.
Talk about meat-ing in the middle!
Turns out, defrosting brisket can lead to more than just a heated BBQ—try a heated argument too.
What did Reddit think?
This person says the wife is the jerk here. And a liar!
This person thinks he should take petty revenge.
This person wishes she gave some kind of a head’s up.
Well, what can we say?
When brisket leads to beef, it’s a recipe for drama.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.

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