Her Roommate’s Girlfriend Always Asks To Borrow Things From Her And She Tells Her To Stop, So When She Takes A Bit Of Her Cookie Dough She Bans Her From The Apartment
by Diana Whelan
Living with roommates often means having to set boundaries, but what happens when those boundaries are repeatedly crossed by a roommate’s guest?
One fed-up renter found out when their roommate’s girlfriend overstepped far too often.
Read the story to find out all of the details!
AITA for banning my roommates girlfriend for touching my raw cookie dough?
I rent a room to a lad called AJ. He’s 31. He is dating Nina (25f).
I don’t mind if AJ has people over or anything but Nina has been here a lot.
I am already annoyed because Nina always asks to borrow stuff from me. “Can I borrow a pair of pants for work I forgot mine? Do you have extra face masks or can I borrow lotion/tampons/socks?”
I have always told her no. I don’t make a lot and I don’t loan things.
She was furious I wouldn’t give her a pad but I use a diva cup and period underwear and I am NOT sharing those. 🤮
Let me spell it for you: N-O.
She got mad I wouldn’t loan her a dress for their “surprise” date night. I told her if she asks again for ANYTHING of mine then she’s not allowed back in the apartment.
I told her to stop acting like we are friends and don’t use my stuff. Short of like medical things (bandaids) she should go buy her own stuff.
This led to AJ being mad at me for making her feel unwelcome. I said I don’t want her around at all and the next time it happens I’m gonna ban her.
Had to break out the threats.
He said she is not that bad.
I ended up letting him know one more step over the line and she’s gone. And if he breaks that ban, he can find a new place as he is month to month.
Nina ended up being fine for a few days.
I was making cookies from scratch. They come in from some date. She sees the cookies and asks the kind.
I tell her chocolate chip and she comes over, sticks her finger in the dough, and takes a chunk.
I got so mad I told her to get out. She’s banned. I didn’t care.
When AJ tried to argue with me I said I am not renewing his lease if she’s not gone in two minutes.
They left and I am now being called an ******* by friends.
It’s clear this roommate situation needs some serious rules.
Redditors are abuzz with opinions.
This person thinks Nina is pretty annoying.
This person concurs.
And this person says she literally owes her nothing and shouldn’t feel badly.
Hope the cookie dough was worth it!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, borrowing, boundaries, cookie dough, girlfriend, picture, reddit, renting, roommate, sharing, top

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