Annoying Customer Got Mad When This Cashier Checked His Money For Counterfeit, So The Cashier Ended Up Checking All The Change In The Counterfeit Machine
by Sarrah Murtaza
Some people are simply prone to creating a fuss about everything.
It’s insane how they will find a problem in every little action.
Check out how this guy got mad at a checkout when his dollar bill got checked in the counterfeit machine.
The details are below!
Customer asked to check if his change is counterfeit. So we did exactly as he requested.
A customer at my job paid us with a 100 dollar bill.
We needed to give him 85 dollars change.
They did their control check.
We checked his 100 dollar bill using the counterfeit bill machine.
The customer got offended that we checked his 100 dollar bill and requested for us to also check if the change we give him is counterfeit.
Things could have been simple but…
We could have easily given him a 50, a 20, a 10, and a 5.
But instead, my coworker got all the 1 dollar bills and scanned them one by one to waste the customer’s time and annoy him.
The goal was achieved.
He looked very mad.
Such a boss move in my opinion.
Why can’t people understand the most basic things?
Let’s find out what the Reddit community thinks about this story.
This user assumes some more facts about the story.
This person thinks the boss is a teenager.
Oops, this user thinks this malicious compliance was unnecessary.
This person shares a personal experience about change shortage.
That’s funny. This person knows how to make it more interesting.
Yikes! The commentators seem divided on the matter.
Maybe giving away so much change isn’t the best idea.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, counterfeit, drama, fraud, funny boss, picture, reddit, smart employee, top, workplace

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